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Power Feng Shui EZine

February 2010

Dear Friends of Power Feng Shui, Pyramid Feng Shui & Black Hat Tantric Feng Shui & all Friends of Holy Spirit Ch'i (the Cosmic Breath of God).

We are delighted to bring you our www.PowerFengShui.info EZine for the month of February 2010.

February is the month for Love. Everyone has someone they love and wish to remind of that love and how special it is to them.  One of my favorite {pwer Feng Shui Heart Yard Art display you will find under Articles here at http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/heaven_increases/09261.main.shtml

Anything you do to express Love to anyone you love "Lifts Your Good Karma" and blesses you both. Think of good things you could do to help lift someone's burden, even just for a day, an afternoon, an hour of giving them a "Moment in Time of Love" from you to them. You really don't need to limit yourself to just February and Valentine's Day. We can love others all day, any day we choose. Live and Love. That is my motto.

ThCheck the Good Karma suggestions in the Article Building Good Karma Can Change Your Life Or “You will reap what you sow” at the link http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/spirit_tuning/09271.main.shtml and do a few of them to "Pay It Forward" for yourself and others. You will be shocked how quickly the Good Karma bounce back happens for you...Change your Ch'i today. Stir it up.is January I headed to Memphis Blues Challenge Event in the Blues City to meet up with my friends from there, and Atlanta, and Jacksonville. It was just great.

Fire Element to "Fire Up" Your Prosperity Intentions

Build a fire on a cool night and "Fire Up Your Intentions" for ALL of your Intentions, heart's desires, and wishes, and change your energy's Ch'i to the highest level immediately.

Fire Element # 2 tip

Another Fire Element suggestion for your clients' or friends you wish to send off Good Intentions for to the Universe.

Send Your Intentions Into The Universe With The Fire Element

Send Your Intentions Into The Universe With The Fire Element from Your Favorite Place.


Fire Element, A Hot Fire on A Cold Night to

Signal Your Intentions to God.

I love a hot fire on a cold night when I can enjoy all of the Elements God has to offer.

Love Candles Add the Fire Element

Star of David Candles

Star of David candles honor my Kabbalah connection from my past lifetime. What is your past life? Call me for an appointment if you would like to find out.

Put Prayer Books on Your Night stand

Change your Spiritual Ch'i by adding your favorite Prayer Book or Holy Books to your night stand and actually read it for encouragement, comfort and most of all victory.

What Does I Love You Mean?

So many of my clients call to ask what it means when their new love interest begins to say “I love you” so quickly after meeting them. Often they are extremely skeptical of this newly professed “Love” because of past experiences that did not work or that broke all trust or simply betrayed their love. It is so hard to trust when we have been hurt or used. To best enlighten them, be totally honest and hopefully not hurt them, I use several points to help them protect themselves and look at this realistically.

Always know a possible true love candidate for marriage or commitment at least one year before you make a lifelong commitment to them. That first six months, the so called “Honeymoon Period” when they are smiling at us about everything and we are smiling right back showing them our best side, everyone is just so charming. After six - twelve months of knowing and loving them, life crisis situations will come up. They do in all lives. When the hot water heater floods their home, the car gets broken or wrecked and they have no ride, does your love stand up and take care of things or do they call Momma and get help and ask for money? What you learn about people’s character in a crisis is what they will be doing the rest of their lives and maybe yours. Is it what you want?

Click here to read the article that will help you understand "Love" better http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/spiritual_healing/09211.main.shtml


How to Tell When Love is Over…

Many or my clients ask what does it mean when their spouse or lover constantly criticizes or berates them privately or publicly, won’t come home at night until late, has private phone calls they can’t hear, dresses up when they leave home to go out for a supposed errand, or generally abuses them verbally, mentally, emotionally, or sometimes even physically?

Sadly, this is the behavior they are using to let you know they want OUT of the relationship. They are too gutless to simply use the truth so they will attack until the other partner gives up and says just leave. This is exactly what they are hoping for. If you say go, then they can turn to the family and loved ones and manipulatively say. “I would have stayed, but they threw me out.” They don't want people to blame them.

Click to read the rest of this Article http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/spiritual_healing/09261.main.shtml


Pyramid Relationship Prosperity Power Draws

This particular photo is actually showing two plaster of Paris representations of King Tut and his Queen. I found these at a garage sale for $1.00 apiece and put Rust-o-leum metallic gold paint on them.

I don't want to be the queen of Egypt but I want to have golden Prosperity and Good Health. So on my wall, on the golden paneling, I put my business card directly under the Queen and I put my love’s business card under the King. I want us not to be King and Queen of Egypt, but I want us to be King and Queen of our business, our opportunities.

To read the rest of this Article click http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/heaven_increases/10115.main.shtml

Icon Imagery Inspirations

Power Feng Shui for Success offers a plan to help you manifest those intentions and get closer to those goals quicker than you ever dreamed possible. By using icons or small replicas of items that reflect a purpose, a desire or an intention, you will be able to fire up and generate energy towards realizing or actualizing that goal.

Placing these icons in certain power areas of the main gathering room, bedroom or office (if it is a professional intention) can draw these situations together for you. Power Feng Shui for Success offers Icon Imagery Inspirations to help you attain the power to get where you want to go.

The brain can be programmed to achieve on any level by exposure to wisdom and reinforcement of positive thinking. Power Feng Shui for Success gives you the ability to use icons as inspiration towards programming your mind to the highest level of achievement.

Icons that represent those purposes send out a mental message that has the power to positively impact your mind each and every time you see them. Mentally you are receiving on a conscious level that the goal or desire is going to be yours, it is coming your way, and the icon is there to remind you that you are on your way to receiving whatever you have chosen for that particular success.

To read the rest of this article click to http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/heaven_increases/11013.main.shtml

Golden Prosperity and Animal Magnetism

On my 61st birthday in January I decided to give myself a boost of energies in my bedroom. I made a quick trip to the Dollar General store just to see how little I could spend for my Power Feng Shui project and what interesting things I might achieve.

There I found a set of golden (Prosperity & Health) sheets and also a set of leopard skin satin sheets along with a leopard skin set of shams and a comforter. They were so inexpensive I bought all of them. The leopard skin fabric brings an energy of being more aggressive, which is exactly what I want for my career. As I look at my bed each day I will be receiving the energies the leopard skin radiates into the room. Perfect!

I also bought a pot of yellow (Prosperity & Health) tulips in a terra cotta (Earth Element for being more grounded) for new growth.

When I arrived home I dressed the bed in the golden sheets, using the flat leopard skin sheet atop the bed, then placing the comforter on top of it all for a finished faux Neimans/Horchow look. I used the leopard skin shams to pin up on top of the draperies so it looked like I had bought them to match the look as well.

The fitted leopard skin sheet I used to cover an end table, tucking the elastic band underneath so it would not be noticed. I replaced all of my icons and lamp on top of it. It made my bedroom look even more exotic. At 61 having led a mostly conservative life I figured I could use a little animal magnetism in my life. One never knows how much time is left and I want to enjoy every single day of it.

Buddha sits on my other bedside table but just for the photo I placed him in the bed with the tulips. In contemporary and traditional Feng Shui, Buddhas are used as a respectful icon in homes to bless spirituality, raising the vibration of the deity, and showing honor from those that dwell there. It is a way to bring blessing to that home from the Heavens.

Even if you are not Buddhist, offering a blessing of Buddha, no matter how small, sends a message out to the Universe that you are thankful for the Feng Shui customs you are using to create more abundance, empowerment and good health, plus all of the other blessings that come with Feng Shui.

As soon as I had dressed my bed and table, hung the shams, and rearranged the Buddha and the tulips three wonderful Feng Shui consultations showed up for me within a week. Talk about aggressive....I loved it.

Certainly my clients and I have been inspired by the Home and Garden channel to get busy and reinvent our lives with color, fabric and icons for fresh, fun, and fascinating new looks for our sacred space. HGTV is huge on saving money and even the Dollar General can provide looks you have never thought possible before.

A trip through Neiman Marcus revealed a pricey look I loved but thought could be reproduced on a budget. The shopping trip to the Dollar General Store made it fun and affordable. Besides having a fun and fulfilling adventure on your birthday is always great and I got a new Power Feng Shui look for not just myself, but my clients to consider as well in this EZine to consider. All of us can benefit.

Get out and look around and see what appeals to you. Don't wait for your birthday. Do it now. Take a friend and having a grand adventure. Life after all is a grand adventure, if only you make it so.

Fun and Feng Shui. It cannot get any better for any of us.

Let me know at my email Iconalex@aol.com what results you see when you step out of your comfort zone and use a little Power Feng Shui to change and rearrange your life. I would love to hear about it.

May your blessings be auspicious (lucky) always.

Bring Love to Your Life with Yin/Yang Icons

If you are looking to bring love into your life, you will need to place a set of two (2) icons that represent love to you in the Love/Relationship area in the far right corner of your bedroom. Use compatible icons, angels, stars, hearts, doves, starfish, teddy bears, or anything that would represent the Male/Female energies that are needed to manifest Love for you. NEVER USE A BEAR AND A TIGER...NOT COMPATIBLE. It can be a picture from a magazine or off the Internet of a couple holding hands, walking on the beach, sharing a moment in a loving way that will lift the Ch'i energies of Love to come your way.

My friend "E" that I have Feng Shui'd her home three times now was ready for love. Every time we did a Power Feng Shui consultation she got a better job and home. The third time I went she took me to the bedroom to show me the Love Icon she had been using to "Bring the Love" into being for her life. As we entered the bedroom, in the Love/Relationship Corner, she pointed out a tiny statue of two angels atop a cloud that she had bought to "lift up the love" in her life, that she had placed on top of the end table beside her bed.

At the time she was just about to graduate from the Art Institute in Dallas. Within two weeks after buying the angels with their cloud and placing them in her bedroom, she met another graduating student right there at the Art Institute that had been there for 3 years, two floors above where she attended her studies. He was just studying something different from what my client was so she had never met him....UNTIL....she bought the two angels "on their own cloud" and placed them in her bedroom.

"E" has tremendous positive energies, looks forward to her future, plans for it, and manifests wonderful things into her life. She is "actively participating" with her Power Feng Shui to bring what she wants into her life. Once she decided what she wanted, was ready for it to appear, remember she was just about to graduate from The Art Institute, the "LOVE" manifested itself almost immediately. They married within about 18 months after "discovering" each other at the last few days of their education at The Art Institute. How wild is that?

NEED LOVE? Look around your home for two icons that will blast Love & Relationship signals of positive Ch'i (Cosmic breath of God) into the Universe and bring exactly what you want into your life. Place them in the Right Hand corner of your bedroom, focus on your "pure intention of love" and stand back and watch the love story unfold for you.

Don't believe it for yourself? You don't have to. Feng Shui works whether you believe it or not, whether it is visible or placed out of sight so it is invisible. It does not matter. It works...Why be lonely? It is your choice.

Have some fun with your manifesting. Look around for your icons and use them to bring your heart's desire to you immediately.

A Bride Must Have a Groom Icon or it
will NOT work with Feng Shui...

I recommended to a lady client in Logansport, Indiana that she use Male and Female energy Icons to help her find the perfect love for herself a few years ago. Six months later I visited with her again and she had a picture, cut from a magazine of a bride on every single wall in her house. It was great...only problem...there were no grooms with any of the brides. Brides only did not get the job done.

After asking her what was going on she shared that she and all of her 5 girl friends had decided to "do" Feng Shui for Love and all get married and share in each other's weddings. She went on to say that they had all bought gowns that color coordinated for each girl’s choice of wedding colors, so they could all be in each other's weddings....Talk about planning...Wow! She even showed me all of the bride's maid gowns, in all of the different colors her friends had picked for their own weddings that she would wear to those weddings. They were all ready for the weddings, but alas, not a man in sight for any of them.

She wanted to know why the Feng Shui had not worked yet. I explained that it is necessary, really a "must" for each icon displayed to promote love for both Male and Female energies, within each picture she had on all of the walls. She told me all of her girlfriends had "Bride pictures" on all of their walls as well. No grooms among them....Bad Feng Shui...

I told her I would check with her in six months when I returned to Indiana to see what had taken place after they all added the men to their "Icons of Love displays" and see what had happened. Six months past, I called her and went by to visit. She had changed every single Icon Image into a "loving couple" complete with wedding apparel. My next question was "What happened?"

She laughed and said they had "all met someone" since I was there and two were engaged and one was already married. She, herself was going to be wed in just a matter of months to a great guy that had just shown up in town and she thought she had just met by coincidence...RIGHT! With Power Feng Shui, there are NO COINCIDENCES, ONLY RESULTS.

The friends were all joining together with their "Pure Intentions" for each other to create a huge energy field of Love and Marriage, once they realized they needed the grooms. What a hoot! I had never seen a mass manifesting of Love and Grooms in my whole Feng Shui career since 1995. It was just so much fun.

Looking for love in all the wrong places? Try manifesting it right into your own Sacred Space and reaching out to the Universe to signal those Loving Ch'i (Cosmic Breath of God) energies to come forward for you immediately. What do you have to lose? Sitting, wishing, hoping that love will come along and sweep you off of your feet is simply not enough...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT WITH POWER FENG SHUI. Find those Love Icons that will work to do the job. These ladies used pictures out of magazines. How hard is that?

Power Feng Shui works great to bring the results you desire. What are your desires? If Love is one of them, why not get started today to bring it right up front and personal into your life? What do you have to lose, or more importantly, what do you have to gain? A life with the love you desire and a foundation of love and friendship for your future. I say GO FOR IT!

May the Love signals you send out into the Universe bring you the perfect companion to your life. Certainly you deserve it. Isn't it time? Let me hear from you when the Love arrives at IconAlex@aol.com I will be excited to hear from you about your "loving" manifesting abilities.


Thoughts of Thomas: Past Lives & Out of Body Experiences

I would like to speak to you on the subject of out of body experiences.

Past life regression are similar in that you visit a point in a past life but very different in how you obtain the experience.

First we must consider the fact of reincarnation you can’t go back if there is no back to go to. From the very beginning of the worship of the ancestors stories of old heroes coming back to protect his people, were told around every camp fire. In the far eastern religions reincarnation was common, along with ancestral worship. The Celtics were fierce in battle because of their belief in reincarnation to die was only a new beginning. The Bible has at least one reference to reincarnation, not being a Biblical scholar I don’t know for sure if there are others.

This shows there is an unbroken line of belief in reincarnation from the beginning of mankind. All this validation is to give you a base to understand the logic I used to come to what I feel was the right conclusion after having these experiences. Blind faith has never been a strong point of mine. To believe I must find a reason or historical evidence to help explain the experience. I don’t believe I’m the first person to have this experience and I must be able to rule out a deception of the mind. You have to be able to control your mind not let it trick you into believing what you want to be true. There are too many wonderful experiences out there to waste time on deceptions.

Out of body experience can happen at anytime they are spontaneous and vivid, you instantly find yourself in a different place and time. It has been my experience that it is always first person, you are looking through that persons eyes. You are as you were at that point in time, you communicate with others, you understand what is being said, but you hear nothing. The emotional experience is always overwhelming you know on some level that these people are dead, but you still feel the love or friendship you had then. In every way those few moments are as real as your present life.

I’ve had three of these experiences, the first was before I built the Henge.

NOTE from Alex....

See Thomas' http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/Thomas's%20Corner.shtml Where he shares Thomas Built His Own Stone Henge Monument with us if you have not already read it. It is awesome...On a Full Moon night it is otherworldly...but that is a story for another time.

My daughter came to visit from Tennessee and brought a staff for me to carve magical emblems on for a friend. I had spent most of the day working on the staff, trying to find what symbols I thought she would want. As the sun was going down I went inside to finish my work. I was setting on the couch finishing the last of the symbols and discussing family politics with my wife. When for no apparent reason I was no longer sitting in my living room but standing in a prehistoric village. It was in a small valley surrounded by rolling hills, the dwellings were half dug into the sides of the hills with an arbor to my right. Judging from my visual perception I could not have been over four or five.

I walked around the village looking for someone, but I was the only one there. The village was deserted. What was I to do, I started crying.

Something told me to get control of myself, and I started to try and come back to my world. Slowly that world begins to fade and this one became real again. The emotion I felt was one of total despair.

When I came back to this world I was on the other side of the room crying like a baby, with my wife looking at me as if I had gone mad.

I wanted to explain to her what had happened but I couldn’t stop crying. Later she told me I was saying strange words and acting quite unusual. I tried to explain as best I could what had happened, but I could only tell her what I saw. I have never been able to put into words exactly what I felt.

What I can say is you will all know what I felt when it’s your turn to be a child alone in a deserted village.

The second time you may have read about in my Henge story, what I would like to explain here is the way I handled the second experience verses the first.

In the first I was taken by complete surprise. I had no control over what happened, I was thrown completely into another place and time. This time I recognized what was about to happen and stopped it before I slipped completely into the other world.

The best way to explain it would be that one world overlaid the other. I could see both at the same time. The past life overlaid the real and was more vivid. I watched as the people gathered, spoke to some all the while telling my wife about what I was witnessing as the scene unfolded. The emotions were not as strong but still quite intense.

After much thought I have came to the conclusion that the emotion I felt was not from impending doom as I thought at the time, but from the act of re-living the experience.

The Third time was of my oldest daughter in a life we shared together hundreds of years ago.

We both came to that conclusion about the same time, both of us seeking, using different methods and hundreds of miles apart. There were a few minor differences but most fit together quite well. In that life we lived in the Holy Lands 1300 BC. It was my first life and her second, she said we were brothers I thought we were friends but at the time I was only interested in dates not relationships. So I’ll give her that one.

Several years later I was putting my notes together for my Book of Shadows (a record of my experiences and theories) and came across my notes on our earlier life together. After reading my notes I thought I should email her to make sure my memory of her experiences were correct.

As I sat at the computer gathering my thoughts a strange feeling came over me as I wrote the email it started to grow. The more I wrote the stronger the feeling and I let myself slipped into the life I was asking about.

He “she” was standing before me a handsome young man in his late teens. With black hair and olive skin, dressed in a short brown tunic that came to just above the knees with a sash at the waist.

We were talking about what we were going to do tonight, it would be dangerous but everyone’s life was filled with danger. In our small village danger was around every corner.

He “she” was very excited his movements were animated and his eyes sparkled with anticipation for what we had planned.

I loved this man and he loved me. We were brothers, nothing else can explain how I felt about him.

Then it was gone, I was sitting at my computer looking at my half finished email. What I was writing her about was she had said she “he” ran off and left me to die but after seeing what I saw I don’t believe it. I might have died that night, he “she” might have blamed themselves, but I don’t believe he would ever run and leave me to die. Not even if I had asked him to.

I believe out of body experiences are brought on when you are in the same frame of mind or you’re doing something that triggers your subconscious to remember a similar activity in another life.

My first out of body experience was one of being left alone, one of my daughters had just left her husband and I was concerned about her (family politics she was alone), and I was carving ancient Celtic symbols. The next thing I new I was alone in a prehistoric village.

The second one was after I had finished raising the standing stones for my Henge. Something I have always wanted. That evening I went to a time where I not only had a real Henge but I was the Druid, the wise man of the people.

Third one was when I was writing to my daughter about her “him” causing my death, I was shown what our relationship was at that time. To let us both know it was not her fault. She didn’t intentionally leave me, and she never will.

Our lives will cross again and again, just as my wife and I have found each other in the past and will in the future.

When your soul bonds with another you seek it out, it may take a thousand years but it will happen.

My belief is, we all are capable of having out of body experiences but few ever will. Because it doesn’t fit their belief system, in most peoples system there is no back to go to. Their minds will not tolerate such an experience, because it endangers their belief system.

As for myself I’m open to anything the Cosmos sends my way as long as it’s not from the dark side. I’ve played there some in my youth and found they don’t play fair.

Soon we will speak of Past Life Regression.



Hope you have enjoyed our February EZine for 2010. Please check our updates of other EZines here at www.PowerFengShui.info at the link http://old.powerfengshui.info/id6.shtml to learn so much more Power Feng Shui for changing your Sacred Space and office to the highest level of Ch'i forever. You will love it.

Happy Love month to you....Manifest The Love that You Desire... It is all your choice.

"Show Me the Money Prosperity Feng Shui" DVD found at link

Until next time Peace, Prosperity and Good Health, but always Peace In Your Soul.

Alex Shaw
CEO www.PowerFengShui.info

972.504.6824 Dallas
1.888.551.4869 toll free


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