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Power Feng Shui EZine
MAY 2010 Dear Friends of Power Feng Shui, Pyramid Feng Shui & Black Hat Tantric Feng Shui & all Friends of Holy Spirit Ch'i (the Cosmic Breath of God). We are delighted to bring you our www.PowerFengShui.info EZine for the month of May 2010. We're using our new format with video clips for easier viewing combined with written articles and other fun Power Feng Shui inspirations and Holy Spirit "Ch'i Lifts" to boost your own personal Holy Spirit. People enjoy learning quickly and I am all for that. Love to search and research new concepts and ideas for my own life and through my friends, clients, and loved ones to find what they are aware of I may have missed. People are great to share their "finds" that boost their spirits as well. This month we will be telling you about lots of varied topics, events I attended or just sights I've seen. Love to get out and about and enjoy the NOW. Tomorrow will take care of itself. It always has. It always will. This month's Power Feng Shui Topics are:
Luscious blooms spilling over the fence from the inside of the backyard with Wild Vivacious Hot Pink Color is all about "Really wild and wonderful love lives here." Pink of any shade is all about Love & Relationships in Power Feng Shui. When anything is growing in a "Cascading Effect" it means simply "Layers and Layers of Love Live Here," if it is in Pink.
If the blooming color is a shade of yellow all the way to golden then Prosperity/Good Health is blooming and "Cascading" if you are really lucky. Should there be Purple blooms the Color of Empowerment/Wealth rules at that location. White ones are for Creativity, Children, Intellectual mentors to bloom. Red blooms are all about Fame/Future/Recognition. Anything "Blooming" is going to bring new options that are "Blooming for You." Isn't it time? I agree.... Go for it. Have a planting party with your friends. Rotate house locations on the weekend nights and get all of the neighborhood done. Use a drawing to set priorities by drawing lots of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.. Create something..... Live in the NOW.....It is all we have...... If You Need 72 Brownie Cupcakes for Church Events I recommend buying easy, quick solutions and lock in and bake them all at once, using paper cups for being clean and fresh for all involved. Share this project with your kids if you are brave. If not, surprise them with a cupcake later. OR let them help decorate a few...It is all love....spread some of it around. Volunteer food, your time, your help, your friendship at your local church or charity. Even 12 step groups would appreciate a little home made love or a fresh pound of exotic coffee. Let your imagination lead you. KNOW you are creating Good Karma and giving it away. You may need that Good Karma sometime in the future to flow in your favor. Pay it forward! You will be glad. Oh, and God Himself will adore you for that "Love one another as you love yourself" part as Jesus recommended. They will be happy. You will be happy. You simply cannot lose. Happy baking or whatever joy you choose to occupy your time with! Move your Ch'i...Change Your Life! Warring Angels You want to Defend You in all Things, Bringing the Protection of God to Your Life. If you buy "Warring Angels" and have them in your Sacred Space or Business you want to make sure that when you hang them you speak your intentions aloud. Call upon the Creator God of your Faith to come and send His "Warring Angels" to protect and defend you through all darkness that may come against you. Ask for a "Wall of Angelic Protection" to surround you, and thank God for all of His help. If we are gracious to Our God He will be gracious unto us. In your thoughts send "Warring Angels" to defend the sick, the weak, the innocent, the betrayed, the abused, the defiled, the broken, the lonely, the suffering, the dying, and the families of the dead. Ask that all darkness, depression or oppression be banished off of them in whatever Holy Names you know, spoken 3 times for the "3 Fold Blessing" to make it stronger before Creator God. Remember to symbolically "Thank" your angels as you would God Himself, but keep a respect that God is our Creator and the angels his servants to help him rule. Look for those "Warring Angels" if that is the energy you desire to have surrounding you. Expect supernatural protection and intercession in your life on God's behalf..."Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." The other one that applies here is "You have not because you ask not." Isn't it your turn now to ask for yourself instead of all of the others? Step forward in courage and claim and count your blessings. Receive what Father/Mother God has for you and your life and family. Pray for all others globally and their families and lives as well. We all need prayer. Pray for our precious troops as well to come home and be healed, restored, and reconnected with America's world. Restore our economy Holy God. Amen. Holy Incense Burner came my way for Prayer CeremoniesRev. Chuck Murphy donated this ceremonial incense burner for the purification, symbolically, of our souls, during a ceremony of prayer to entertain the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, and Creator God, the Father to me for my prayer time. It has already been extremely powerful in "Purifying the Negatives" around me. I am thankful Rev. Chuck of Unity of Richardson "Blest it on" to me. Acquire Holy Pieces and always bless them and those that may have used them, and ask God to answer all prayers associated with them and cleanse the sins of those that need it worldwide. Your life will change for the good even it you only burn a stick of incense weekly. It cleanses and purifies your Sacred space. God bless you. Change Your Laundry Ch'i To Get New Goals & DESTINY Shopping Bags to Hold Recycled Plastic bags & gift bags. Give yourself a lift with something pretty and functional that you will enjoy recycling time AND save yourself some money. Lucky Red Envelopes Article @ http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/1008.shtml#Red from our www.PowerFengShui.info in October EZINE 2008 to draw your Pure Intentions to You quickly. A postcard with the Lucky Lotus Water Lily that was an advertisement that came in the mail. Peace and Good Luck...Hey count me in! A photo of the most magnificent Sunset on the Gulf of Mexico in Naples April 2008. Just love that Gulf in any city I can get it in.... All of these little pieces of art and good luck are creating a message I see every single time I walk into the Laundry Room, and am surrounded by the Prosperity/Good Health Golden tone of the paint, raising the vibration of the Cosmic Ch'i (Breath of God) within my body, mind, and spirit. Get your Power Feng Shui moving! Let it rise and lift your life up to the highest level of Pure Intentions/Good Karma possible. You will be amazed! Good Luck! Street Artist in Jackson Square Painted This Print... Water color print from the French Quarters with a view looking out from the Cafe Du Monde in the French Market. Love it. http://www.cafedumonde.com/coffee.html In an instant of just walking by and remembering what it feels like to coffee in the streets of New Orleans French Quarter, I am totally transported to another moment in time....always a lovely moment for me. What is your moment? Why not celebrate it in the Laundry Room? After all, unless you have hired help you are likely doing the laundry or at least some of it..... I say Change Your Laundry Ch'i Time and Change Your Goals & Destiny.....Isn't it time for you? Liz's Bridal Tea @ The Chocolate Angel Cafe & Tea Room Our favorite bride Elizabeth Murphy is marrying Bryan Miller soon and the formal Bridal Tea Time was on the 29th of May. Take a look at the setting here in this slide show to see you what a joy it was. Their The Chocolate Angel Cafe & Tea Room may be found at http://www.chocolateangel.com/. Booking your very own special Tea Time celebration events? They cater, bake ahead for you, create just simply anything your little heart desires....This is a "Go To" Place for brides...... Our Liz and Bryan are getting married next week and we are so excited. May God bless them with His very best always. Liz's Bridal Tea @ The Chocolate Angel Cafe & Tea Room (SLIDESHOW) Galveston's Fish Tales Restaurant
No Texas Restaurant is complete without Blue Bell Ice Cream...Excellent.... Hit Fish Tales when you are on Seawall Boulevard in Galveston, Texas right across the street from the Old Flagship Hotel ruins of the Hurricane Ike...In its glory days it was a jewel of Galveston where it meets the Gulf of Mexico....God is just so good to us... The food was exceptional, clean fish, no breading for dieters and the drinks superior and the staff friendly. We just loved it....Eating our way across Galveston is always a delight for any Ladies BUT these are the Ladies of Unity of Richardson.....we have an "Around the World in 80 Restaurants Night Out" monthly...We KNOW how to eat....Come and join us for our Night Out and our 11 a.m. Sunday morning service....Check out Rev. Chuck's Sermons at Sermon Archives http://www.unityofrichardson.com/joomla09/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=34&Itemid=81 It is just the best friendship, fellowship and unconditional, non-judgmental love you will ever experience. Love those Unity people.... GET TO GALVESTON AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN....BEFORE THE OIL DAMAGE...GOD HELP US ALL, ESPECIALLY THE FISH & WILDLIFE. Galveston "Sea Side Ch'i" Condo Our Ladies of Unity Gulf of Mexico Retreat happened at our Ministers of Unity of Richardson "Sea Side" condo, Rev. Sunnie & Rev. Chuck Murphy. Sunnie and Chuck have an incredible gift for decorating and a vast knowledge of Feng Shui from her Real Estate practice so the energy was blasting when we drove up. Just loved it! Of course, all of the love of family, friends, and visitors that LOVE,LOVE, LOVE that Gulf, the water, the nourishing of the Sea, and a million other fabulous reasons to stay there, certainly does its part to "Lift Up" the Seaside High Energy that is everywhere throughout this location.
And a good time was had by all Ladies of Unity of Richardson at the Gulf of Mexico Galveston Condo....Thanks to Sunnie and Chuck Murphy for being so wonderful to us all. Get to the beach for yourself. It will change you as the Wind & Water Ch'i "lift your soul" with its magic. Enjoy!
Thomas on the ArtMost if not all people think of the Arts as something to be either feared or revered. Depending on their point of view, my point of view is that you need a great deal of “respect”, when dealing with the Arts but I reserve reverence for God. In magic you’re never quite sure what you’re working with. It could be any of a number of entities from an element to one of the Arch Angels unless you specifically call one of many minions. That's assuming you are not evoking an unredeemed spirit, more commonly known as Demons. To do that you must first call protective Angels and have the proper weapons. To do either is beyond most people's ability, financially or minutely. To call the Angels you need for that demon (only certain Angels can be used with certain Demons) can take days to set up each Angel, for they can only be called at certain hours of the day or night. Your weapons are everything you use from your robe to your incense and they all vary, depending on who you call and they can take years to acquire. The blood of a white Ass is hard to find at Wal-Mart but was readily available in the ancient world. What we find almost impossible to find was available in most markets a thousand years in the past. Another thing, time is very important; day and night have twelve hours each regardless of the length of the day or night. Time is measured from sun up to sun down. So 2am is not 2am on your watch, and you can get it wrong if you do, it won’t work, and you have spent weeks for nothing. One more thing you must have one of the Grimoires. You can't make it up. The longest spell I know takes eighteen months to complete. Can you hang around the house that long? There are volumes more that I could say on this subject but this is all I will say; if you walk here you walk alone. I only said what I did so you will understand I know the fear side most people have of the Art. I'm not here to talk of that side, not because it’s bad or evil I won’t discuss it because it can be used as a means of control. It gives you control of a demon that can give you control over another person and that always ends up badly. I have known people in my life that used this sort of power they said, to keep their children safe. But at some point the person begins to understand something is wrong and they will lash out. I don't believe they consciously understand who the oppressor is but they seem to always pick the right one and what they are trying to save the person from is only exaggerated. When you try to control another for whatever reason, you break the fundamental law of trust and trust is the foundation that all relationships are built on. Be it parental, marriage or professional, losing someone's trust is to lose that person forever. If you want to have that kind of power you will have to search it out yourself. The use of this part of the Art is commonly known as Gray or High Magic, it uses a Demon to fulfill a benevolent endeavor that usually is but doesn't have to be beneficial to you. You need the Angels because a Demon doesn't like doing benevolent things. This type of magic was and probably is practiced today, by the Catholic Church and by some Rabbis. It all came from Moses and Solomon, with a little Greek and Egyptian magic mixed in. Did you know the Voodoo Doll came from the old kingdom of enchanted Egypt? There really is nothing new under the sun. High Magic is the Art of making bad things do your bidding with God’s protection. If you think you’re smart enough and talented enough to take this path the way is open to you but I will not help. By the way have you ever wondered why it takes a Demon to control something on this plane? Just a little something for you to think about. According to legend Solomon used this type of magic but I don't think I'm as smart or devoted as Solomon was, so I don't. Another form of the Art is called Black Magic. This is the most destructive type of magic to the practitioner. It's like Gray Magic but you don't have Angels to protect you and you embrace the gentility you evoke and accept its offer. The rewards can be great but the price is high. I'll make it simple, it’s like winning a marathon, something you've wanted and trained for all your life and your next step after the finish line you fall into the abyss. Anyone taking this path deserves the fruits of their labor. I must admit I have tried High Magic in the past without all the proper weapons and Grimoires as I thought my personal power sufficient to make up for what I lacked and Black Magic once by accident. I can tell you the outcome was far from pleasant. I practice White Magic by pure accident. It was not my intent; it just turned out that way. I wanted to be a Preacher but one thing led to another and here I stand somewhere between Christianity and all the rest. Regardless of what you think I'm a God fearing person. Where I differ from most is the giving over of all spiritual power to the church. I could not sit in a pew and be feed what the spiritual world is, when every part of me was crying there's more. I found this unacceptable; if there was more I wanted to know. I don't remember when I started this journey but I do know it’s far from over. I would never suggest anyone should give up their childhood beliefs. In fact I believe you need them to fall back on from time to time, as you embrace the other possibilities. When one runs too far or too fast, it's good to have something to fall back on. I've used it more than once and in my life. I don't believe my child hood belief is wrong, just incomplete. I know now there is much more out there than I was taught. Sometimes your encounters are great and wonderful while others are quite upsetting but all are enlightening and some of their meaning will take time to be revealed. I mostly invoke the Elements. Before you discount my choice you should know I'm not looking for God and I'm aware of the scriptures that proclaim that God is not in the Elements. The fact that you cannot seek God through the Elements does not diminish the power of the Elements. To think someone would seek God by calling The Fire Drake of the South seems a little bizarre to me, but people have believed stranger things. There is something we should discuss and that is how the secular among us attack the spiritual. First you must realize they believe in nothing, because to believe in anything is to put restrictions on your behavior. This is unacceptable to them so they give everything they don't like or can't explain a scientific name and dismiss it as a syndrome. So all of you out there with spiritual talents or beliefs, you are according to them crazy. I find that quite liberating because a crazy person can't be held accountable for their actions. It would be nice if God saw it that way but I don't believe He'll buy it, so crazy or not you are still responsible for your actions. My use of Angels, Elements or Ancestors (all are minions I use) has nothing to do with my relationship with my God, for I separate the way I feel about them. It is very easy to get caught up in your experience and misunderstand your feelings and feel reverence toward them. This is a bad mistake, one I made myself and a very understandable one. For their mere presence is a wonder to behold and the power they have is greater than anything most of us have ever experienced. That is when you control your mind and give the proper "respect" they deserve but you never give reverence to anything but your God. Minions can be very powerful and capable of great things but they are not God, so keep the two separate or you will find yourself following a false God that doesn't care about your best interest. There will be no happy ending. It doesn't matter what path you travel or what entity you use, you must always keep the proper perspective. You only show the amount of respect that entity deserves, no more or less. Keeping the proper perspective not only allows you to keep control of whatever it is you are dealing with, it also keeps you grounded in reality. Never get caught up in yourself because what you are dealing with deserves respect for a reason and very few are benevolent. The reason you don't revere it, is the same reason that it demands respect. If you are able to summon anything you are in a very small group, you are gifted, one of those mentioned in the Bible that have the ability to touch the nether world on some level. According to the Scriptures each of the chosen will receive a different gift and no one will receive all the gifts. So your gift comes from your God. Now you should ask what about all the people that had these powers before the Day of Pentecost. I believe what happened on that day was a way to legitimize in a new religion, the ways of the past. Because all of the gifts were known in the old religions, think of the powers of Moses, Joseph and Solomon not to mention the priest of Egypt whose powers almost matched those of Moses. Think back on that passage where it told of the gifts but it never said you had to be Christian to receive them. I believe you are born with it, it may take some nurturing or an emotional shock to get it out but it’s always been there. History is written by the winners of the wars. We know who won but I've often wondered how many draws there were. We haven't even discussed the prophets and wise men and women of all the old religions. All of these men and women had similar powers that were proclaimed on that day. Don't think I want to impugn what happened that day in any way but I must make all the bits and pieces fit together in my mind. I take nothing for granted just because it’s written in a book, men write books, and God speaks to your heart. I believe the Bible is not only the history of the evolution of the Judo Christian religion, it is the only account we have of the war between the ancient Gods and yes the Bible speaks to me. I believe organized religion is God’s way to civilize a barbaric animal that was made in "our likeness". Man believes he subverts religion for his own purposes but I believe God is guiding mankind to a certain place and time. Is it Dec. 21st 2012? How should I know? Jesus said "only The Father knows the day and hour" if He didn't know how would anyone know? I do believe 2012 is a turning point in mankind's path but I don't know what it is, not just because of the Maya calendar. It is the political mood of the civilized world. If you hate yourself you can't stand and there's only two ways anything move, that's forward or backwards. I think that's a choice we will make soon. I'm not here to talk politics. It's the only subject more divisive than The Art. What I'm here to tell you is that if you have one of the gifts embrace it, you are not Devil possessed or evil. It also doesn't make you a Saint or one of God’s chosen. It makes you one of the gifted, what other category you fit in is up to you. Thomas Fear not what God has given you. Fear self pride.
Alex Shaw 972.504.6824 Dallas
See you next time...Enjoy it all...This is the Dress Rehearsal....Make it fun and Prosperous and Healthy.
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