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Power Feng Shui EZine


Dear Friends of Power Feng Shui, Pyramid Feng Shui & Black Hat Tantric Feng Shui & all Friends of Holy Spirit Ch'i (the Cosmic Breath of God).

We are delighted to bring you our www.PowerFengShui.info EZine for the month of September 2009.

I love variety in my life and certainly my Power Feng Shui so I am as always, including it here.

You will learn about Texas Cowboy Ch'i at an event where I entertained a few months ago. People in Dallas that are visiting and locals, plus I am sure others throughout the State of Texas, like to "Play Cowboy" at parties. It makes great memories and lots to talk about later on. Eddie Deen's Ranch in downtown Dallas caters to just such affairs and people NEVER forget their experience there. There is music, food, darts, dancing, basketball, Real Cowboy food featuring their delicious Barbeque, Bull Riding for the brave, and certainly drinking and just hanging out in "Kick Back Texas Cowboy Fashion" for the length of each private party or event. It is a hoot as they say.

Yang Ch'i is found in Florida at Don Garlits' Drag Racing Museum, Hall of Fame and Classic Car Collection for those that are race car devotees. It contains some very exciting rides that we will feature in this Sept. EZine.

Solar Windmills generate power in Brookston, Indiana and local resident features Solar Windmill Art on their garage. Love that Green Power.

In Indianapolis, across from the Indianapolis Museum of Art is the old and regal Crown Hill Cemetery with so many original displays of loving tribute to lost loved ones. In Indiana I have noticed that Hoosiers are very faithful to visit and maintain flowers and floral displays. Ancient Feng Shui tells us to "lift up the memories" of ancestors to receive their blessing to be sent down from Heaven.

Seeing tributes that others offer for their loved ones gives you an idea of what Good Luck they might be receiving for the blessing they have left as a memorial upon the grave of that loved one. Come and see how Crown Hill Cemetery residents are laid to rest by their loved ones in our Sept. EZine.

These are our features for this September month:

Texas Cowboy Ch'i at Eddie Deen's Ranch, Dallas, Texas

"Cowboy" theme parties are huge in Texas, especially in Dallas. Recently I was a Spirit reader for the lady owners of The Dallas Psychic Fair, for a huge media networking event that was held at Eddie Deen's Ranch in downtown Dallas. You may find them at http://dallaspsychicfair.com/ if you are planning a party and need Psychic Entertainers.




Eddie Deen's Ranch specializes in Texas Cowboy Ch'i events featuring music, food, darts, dancing, basketball, Real Cowboy food, particularly their delicious Barbeque. Bull Riding is available for the brave or maybe the inebriated, and certainly social drinking and just hanging out in "Kick Back Texas Cowboy Fashion" for the length of each private party or event. It makes great memories and lots to talk about later on.






People NEVER forget their experience there. It is a hoot as they say. There is nothing like "Playing Cowboy or Cowgirl" for some unique and unusual fun whether it is at Eddie Deen's or anywhere people celebrate the Old West times.













If you are planning a party and need a Texas Cowboy theme Eddie Deen's can help you.





Even the Cowgirls Room had a charm all of its own. Rustic red brick of the Earth Element is used for "stability" and a feeling of being "grounded" when one visits here. The mirrors expand the room and bring the Metal Element for more thought and reflection on thoughts. Also the mirrors are symbolic of the Water Element that makes things move and flow, both financially and spiritually.



To get a Texas Cowboy Ch'i experience see Eddie Deen's first. You will be so glad that you did. People love this stuff when they visit here and the Texans love to go party "Cowboy Style".

If you need Psychic readers for an Special Event contact them at dallaspsychicfair@gmail.com or phone 469.464.1810. The Dallas Psychic Fair is held each month at the Holiday Inn Select at Josey & LBJ (west of the intersection on the North side of the freeway), from noon - 6 p.m. on the lst Sunday of each month.

Owners of the Dallas Psychic Fair are Cheryl Mc Millan & Colleen Pattalochi, of INNER PRIZES, LLC PHONE (469) 463-1810 FAX (214) 276-1771 E-MAIL unite@dallaspsychicfair.com or WEB SITE www.dallaspsychicfair.com

They will be delighted to supply you with the best Psychics or Spirit Readers, Astrologists, or Channelers in the business. This is their business. They are great!

Thank you Cheryl and Colleen for inviting me to the Texas Cowboy Media Party. It was beyond people's Cowboy Fantasies. Everyone had an excellent time. You people do KNOW how to throw a party.

Come to the Dallas Psychic Fair on the 1st Sunday of each month. www.dallaspsychicfair.com will tell you about it.

"Big Daddy" Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum,

Hall of Fame & Classic Car Collection

Ocala, Florida

The Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum, Hall of Fame & Classic Car Collection in Ocala, Florida is a tribute to one man's career in racing. There is a lot to see although it is a small museum. The have a great web presence at http://www.garlits.com/museum.htm and you can find out everything you need to know.

If you are traveling through Florida on I-75 this is a quick stop to enjoy something different than you usually see. There are some absolutely beautiful cars here and souvenirs galore to prove you have been there. This is very masculine Yang Ch'i for Power Feng Shui.







Hope you enjoyed the Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum and all of the great rides it contains. If you get the chance to visit in person I would recommend it to you. It is definitely worth the stop.

Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, IN.

& Prosperity Ch'i From Your Ancestors



In Indianapolis, across from the Indianapolis Museum of Art is the old and regal Crown Hill Cemetery with so many original displays of loving tribute to lost loved ones. In Indiana I have noticed that Hoosiers are very faithful to visit and maintain flowers and floral displays in order to continue to honor and respect their loved ones that have passed away. It is a wonderful way to "uplift" the love one holds for that person by dressing the grave or adding a memorial touch to the location.

As you can see with all of these pictures of various ways the ancestors are honored, people think in very different terms when it comes to memorials.



The small mausoleum on the right side has twin columns that are Greco/Roman period of history and likely mean they have family history to that era. At the least the "Power" columns set them apart from the others here.


Benches combined with a monument are frequent so people may have a place to rest while they visit and reflect on their loved one's life and their love for them. Statuary is huge at Crown Hill Cemetery and comes in all depictions of life.


Holy Crosses and Angels of course lead the parade all the way through Crown Hill.



This crypt or mausoleum showed all of this brilliant shower of a rainbow burst of light when I loaded the photo onto my computer. The energy here is alive. The love is alive. That is what counts.

A lot of money was spent on the copper cut out decorative metal work on the doors with all of their intense details. You are able to see the stained glass as you look through the glass into the chamber but it was so bright I could not make out the details of the panels. When I put it on the computer the perfect reflection of the panels was seen in the marble walls. Lovely! What a wonderful combination of textures, colors, and memorials to honor those that have gone.


Click here to go to the rest of this article...


John Deere Farmers Ch'i of West Lafayette, Indiana


Indiana farmers and descendents of farmers are very proud of their John Deere products. This is however the first memorial I have seen for John Deere. It serves as an "Anchor" of protection of both sides of the driveway into the farm. The Green brings the Wood Element for Growth, exactly what farmers and we all need to happen for them and us. The Yellows add Prosperity/Good Health energies as one enters the land. Symbolically, like animal protector statues, the John Deer theme offers an uplifting of the farmers' hope, as well as the protection.

The John Deere Company's Home Page is http://www.johndeere.com/en_US/deerecom/usa_canada.html
The company's 170 year history can be found at http://www.deere.com/en_US/compinfo/history/index.html

It says "The story of John Deere the man, who developed the world's first commercially successful, self-scouring steel plow, closely parallels the settlement and development of the Midwestern United States, an area that the homesteaders of the 19th century considered the golden land of promise. The full story of John Deere the company over the last 170 years is one of people, places and products that reflect our core values of integrity, quality, commitment and innovation."

Quite a story for History buffs if you are interested.

My grandfather in Missouri and before that Kansas was a farmer. He was a "John Deere man" he said. He loved the land and it was always a wonder to me just to go and meet the animals, the horses especially, gather the eggs, visit the pond, feel the slow moving energy all around each of his home places. At the time my mother would say to us that "We are about to enter another world" of peace and quiet. She loved that part of our trips to see him.

And just down the road.....

A local 4 way stop is huge with Prosperity/Good Health energies where the owners planted this incredible burst of glorious Yellow Mums celebration. I just absolutely love it! What a refreshing surprise along a country road. Nothing lifts Ch'i like the color of brilliant Yellow Sunshine. Yes!

Solar Windmills of Brookston, IN. & Brookston Windmill Art

In Brookston, Indiana there are dozens of brand new Solar Windmills woven in and out of the corn fields and soy beans. They blend in well with the landscape and remind us that the current direction of energy conservation in a Green World has come to Indiana. YES!!!


Ladies and Gentlemen...some of the very Orville Redenbacher Popcorn you enjoy in your own home comes from some of these nearby fields owned by his company, God rest his soul. He sure made my life better with his great micro-waved popped corn and his crazy commercials. Go to http://www.orville.com/index.jsp to discover his Popcorn to Perfection web site and his 40 year tradition.

Indiana grows some of the finest corn in the land, just waiting to "Pop" for you.



Brookston Windmill Art


Someone has enjoyed the Solar Windmill inspiration as an outdoor mural on the end of their garage. It is excellent Solar Windmill Art...Thanks for the uplifting of a Green Planet in a different way.

Thank you Brookston for a look at progress in a Green way going up around town. We love progress Ch'i.


West Lafayette, Indiana Ducks


Animal Spirit Totem Protectors

West Lafayette Ducks live at Woods Edge where I visit friends. Often you get to wait for them all to cross the road in their own good time. Bless them. They move at a pace that is good for them. Sounds like a lesson to me.

This lady puts out food everyday I hear and the ducks do not miss a day.


I even started bringing a bag of popcorn when I visit just to see them come running at the sound of a plastic bag being ripped open. Talk about trained to sound. I love it. Great Duck Feng Shui....quack, quack...


Lately the Canadian Geese are stopping over for a 3rd Winter and eating the ducks' food. People are generous here with feeding the Ducks so I know the Geese will enjoy their Winter here too.

Last Winter on a visit there was a female duck lying in the road that had just been run over by a car going through the property. Standing beside her was her male Duck mate for life, in a daze. I drove to my friend's home and asked for some old cloths to wrap the duck in and a shovel to bury her. I drove back down to where she was and even though I had only been gone perhaps five minutes, she was gone and her mate was walking around in a circle all by himself. My heart broke for him. He was there when it happened. And now she was gone.

There was no way to comfort him so I went back to my friend's and prayed that somehow the duck would not be someone's dinner and her mate would be able to grieve his loss.

When I pulled in the driveway to my friend's home at the back of the property was a small family, a Dad, a Mom carrying a wrapped bundle and two 10-12 year old kids, making their way to the huge pine tree there. I heard the Mother say "Now who will say a prayer for this lady duck and her love as we lay her to rest?" Instantly the smaller child said "I will."

I was too far away to hear the prayer and shocked to realize I was crying over all of this yet, I was being a distant part of seeing my prayer answered right in front of my eyes. God was already "ON IT" for me. Thanks be to a compassionate God that not only created each and every single bird, animal, mammal, reptile and fish, but had led these children to find the duck moments after I did and immediately go to work to lay her to rest. Awesome! Unconditional love handling the passing of a lady duck in dignity and honor to remember her life.

Later that night I left and the male duck was still sitting there alone in the dark where she had passed.

I visited for a couple of days after that and on the third day took some popcorn and offered it to him. At first he looked at it and then walked around it, checking it out. Just as he started to eat all of his duck friends showed up. Everyone was quacking and quacking. They all ate. He walked off with his friends quacking as he went. I was glad I was there to see that he did recover and his friends came to share in his bounty and welcome him back from his grieving.

I was impressed with the "Til death do us part" mate forever loyalty he had to sit there for 3 days time to grieve. No others came to him that I saw during my passing by to visit my friend.

You will often find that your spirit is touched by the death or misfortune of animals. Likely animals have been your Totem Spirit or Animal Protector or Familiar companion in other lifetimes and you have a true compassion for them. I love Flight, Freedom and Water so birds living near the water are special to me.

If you wonder if you have a Totem Animal Spirit or other protector spend some time mediating about it and let your mind just go free in its own random thought pattern. Empty your mind of all the days events and just close your eyes and ask to see, hear, or feel your Totem Animal Spirit in a vision or a dream. I read years ago to pray to the Great Spirit Creator God in a Native American History reference beginning at the New Moon and pray each night until the Full Moon and The Great Spirit will answer your prayers before the Full Moon's 3rd night. It happened exactly that way for me once I began to ask for wisdom about this.

On the 3rd night of the Full Moon in December years ago I had just gotten into my son's VW bus and we took off down the road. I had not seen him in over 3 years and we were laughing and talking and had not been together for five minutes when something went "Thud" on the front of the bus. We went back and a Spotted Owl had hit the bus as we were driving along. Although it was sad that he had hit us, I knew I had to bury him. I wrapped him in newspaper and found a place near the woods where we used to live the next day and laid him to rest there.

That night I prayed and asked why I was so sad for the passing of the beautiful Spotted Owl. My Holy Spirit Ch'i answered and said that he had been my Spirit Protector, My Totem Animal in many lifetimes and he had come to let me know he was still with me in this one. In the future I was told, he would be there to bring me wisdom and protection from the Great Spirit Creator God. Wow....talk about an answer to prayer.

I asked what lesson I am to learn from the Spotted Owl. What I heard was "Watch, Wait, Be Silent. Learn from the Spotted Owl. The Owl is wise. You need to learn from it to rise to a Higher Spirit you desire."

That was pretty mind-blowing for me. I have been practicing these things since that time. I have learned much. I am thankful the Spotted Owl is my Animal Totem Protector Spirit companion. I really wanted to know what mine was. To some this would seem silly to even consider but to a Native American or any other member of a tribe of people that honor animals' lives, they are here to help us, protect us and let us KNOW we are not alone here, and that the Great Spirit Creator God Himself not only hears and answers prayers, He custom creates the answers based on our question. Why not? He is our Dad, our Father that dwells in a Heavenly realm. Dads love to help their kids.

My friend Linda I wrote about with all of her Lucky Feng Shui in the August EZine, where you can read about her Lucky Feng Shui at http://old.powerfengshui.info/EZine/0809.shtml#Linda She reminded me last week "Don't your realize that we are royalty? We are the descendents of the great God Jehovah. We don't have to fret and worry. He will provide for us."

She is so right. Even in the seemingly small things that create a curiosity or a wonder within us, He cares. If it matters to us, obviously it matters to Him.

If you desire to actively seek your Totem Animal Protector, tap into your 3rd Eye (Forehead) Chakra where the vision appears and listen for the voice of your companion. Ask what wisdom he brings for you. What do you need to learn? You will know what to say and you will either see, hear, or "feel" the answer in your own Holy Spirit Ch'i (Soul). You are NOT making these things up. They are inspired through your own Soul. Trust this.

Those of you looking for more I recommend these to you:

Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small by Ted Andrews (Paperback) is one of the most exceptional books I have read that helps with this understanding.

Animal Spirit Guides: An Easy-to-Use Handbook for Identifying and Understanding Your Power Animals and Animal Spirit Helpers by Steven D. Farmer Ph.D. (Paperback)

Celtic Totem Animals by John Matthews (Hardcover)

Spirit Animals: Unlocking the Secrets of Our Animals Companions by Stefanie Iris Weiss (Hardcover)

Odd how we embrace animals unconditionally and they love us the same way. Certainly not the more wild ones but those we have for pets. Interesting what animals are drawn to our own personal Holy Spirit Ch'i.

For the Highest Power Feng Shui Ch'i blessing look up your Chinese Horoscope Birth date Animal Astrology symbol. If it is a tiger then buy a few tigers, even small ones and place them in your Sacred Space or on your desk for symbolic protection. Whatever animal protector you discover, buy 3 for your Sacred Space.

The icons of your own Animal Protector of the time you were born is very powerful in your own personal environment for enhancing your Good Luck. On another odd note, I find that when I look it up, Chinese Astrology is so much stronger for me than regular Astrology. Give it a try of the web. Don't buy anything. Just look it up. There is lots of free information out there for us to discover.

Should you like to share any feedback you may have had with your Totem Animal you may do so by sending it to Alex Shaw's email at IconAlex@aol.com We would enjoy hearing from you about your experience.

Love your animals and they will love you. Even those they appear in Spirit form, they come through the beliefs of our ancestors to bless and help and protect us, sent by the Great Spirit Creator God. I am thankful for that.

May God bless all His species.

Red Blood Color Brings Attention to Heart Health

In Lafayette, Indiana you are likely to see this big billboard high above the traffic. What draws you there is the deep Red color immediately. The color of Blood in this case. Clairan Arnett Cardiovascular Unit at their hospital wants to be sure you consider your heart's good health and certainly their medical expertise with these things.

Red used in any setting "fires up" the energies and causes our heart to beat faster and our blood pressure to rise. Just the color changes the emotions in a home or office. Recently I heard of a friend that had a red room and seems to be angry just all of the time at everything. Not his usual personality. I heard they may be painting the room. I will be interested in the color and the outcome of it all. I hope my friend will recover from his Red "Overdose." Too much of anything may be too intense for your emotions. Think about it before you blast ahead with your decisions about color.

Red in Power Feng Shui brings Fame/Recognition/Future energies into your life. Clarian Arnett Hospital is hoping Red delivers for them. I hope so too.

Having already had one heart attack seven years ago I know how very freaky it is. If you want to prepare yourself you should go to http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3053 for Heart Attack, Stroke and Cardiac Arrest Warning Signs.

It could make a difference of life or death to you. Thank you Clairian Arnett Hospital for bringing it to our attention. We need to remember to care for our hearts, minds, spirits and complete body. Take care of your own heart.

Frank & Max Pommer

Memphis Cats

Past Lives in Plano, Texas

This is Frank Pommer, one of my cat friends I have known for years. He is one of two alpha cats that belong to my long time friend and Healer Chuck Pommer. I caught a glimpse of Frank sitting on top of Chuck's desk and snapped a picture of him. He and his brother Max both love heights and to climb and hide out from everyone.

This is the transformation of Chuck's Healing Room with Behr paint from Home Depot called Clair De Lune. Khaki colors are the top seller for real estate interiors that are still selling at top prices. Tones of gold bring Prosperity/Good Health energies, so we have turned almost the entire house this Khaki color.

For years Chuck used this Family Room or Den area as a Healing Room. It has seen hundreds of hours and multiple healers doing "healing" on clients and students. The room simply radiates Healing Energy. The cats feel that, even when it is empty except for painting equipment and only the desk remains. Frank "claims his territory" as it is called and takes charge. Before this picture he was asleep in the high back office chair.

High backs on chairs of any kind bring full financial support to those that sit in them to do their business, personal and professional. Frank loves to sit in Command Positions in the house, usually exclusively Chuck's favorite hangouts to sit and especially mine so I cannot sit down and he remains where he feels he is entitled to, as he wishes. He is so funny in his obsessive ways as he checks on everything and meows his demands for "treats" several times each day. I won't name anyone specifically but someone had to train him to be so demanding. Ha!

Frank and Max love to go out late night about 10 or 11 and visit around the neighborhood. If it is raining or cool they don't want to go out. I can't blame them. Sometimes they bring home their prey, as is their nature. I now understand the term "Cattin' around" more clearly.

A few months ago I followed Chuck to Memphis on my way to Indiana in July. The "Boyz" as they are called rode with Chuck and at fuel stops I would go sit in his car and "coo and goo" to the "Boyz" hoping to calm them during the pit stop. The minute we hit Chuck's driveway he was trying to get the "Boyz" into their cat carriers to go into the house. They had been in Dallas for a couple of months and he wanted them to re-bond to their home there and not feel lost.

Frank, wild child cat, jumped out of the car and took off running. We were a little distressed when he did not come home that night or the next day. After we drove the neighborhood for a couple of times I decided to go and see if anyone had seen him. I talked to everyone and as God would have it, I met a couple with their cat out of the front porch, just as they were leaving home, about 3 p.m.. I described Frank and they did not know his name but said he had been a friend to their cat and came and hung out in their backyard with their cat many times before but they had not seen him in a couple of months. I told them he had been living in Texas these last two months. They agreed to keep a "look out" for Frank and let us know if he showed up.

Chuck was shocked I had met Frank's "kitty buddy" that he hung out with and that he had a life of his own a couple of blocks over from his home. I was not shocked since I had prayed for Frank's safe return and any information we could get to show up. We felt a lot better after this. Later that night, about 10 p.m. something inside my head told me to open the back door and leave the screen door ajar. I did that and walked past Chuck and just as I did I heard him say "Oh, Frank...you're home." We were all relieved. Later when I prayed to thank God for his safe return I heard a distinct voice saying "Frank was never lost. He knew where he was all of the time. He was having a holiday and greeting his friends. Don't worry so much next time. Tell Chuck not to worry because Frank was never lost." Wow... That really put things in perspective.

Cats are known as far back as ancient Egypt to have supernatural powers. They have the "6th Sense" of being able to "KNOW" things sometimes before it happens, even sometimes "seeing" ghosts and playing with nothing in the air. Nothing that we see, but they do. Several months ago when Chuck brought the "Boyz" to Plano from Memphis to start the re-painting of his home for sale he told me they had been fast asleep for almost all of the 8 hour trip and just when they got to the edge of Plano's city limits both cats jumped up and started looking out the window and meowing. Chuck said it was incredible that they knew exactly where they were when they got to the very edge of their hometown. Like all of us...they got excited. I just love it! Catz are so cool.

This is a picture of both Frank in the window and his brother Max. Max is a classically lazy Garfield, "where is my food? Let me outside to roam and leave me alone" mentality. Max is a typical house cat. He is motivated by food, freedom, hunting, and cat toys and treats. Both of them love their cat toys. Max is much more "laid back" and Frank is nervous and high strung. It makes an interesting mix.

The boys have added a lot of fun and craziness to my life while we have been re-painting the house. They are a constant source of amusement and antics. I see why Chuck prizes them so much. They are little human personalities inside of cat bodies. What an interesting presentation of ego and power, even in domesticated house cats. They are also incredibly loyal to Chuck, unless of course he is in a different city and I am cat-sitting them and then they are loyal to the food. Smart cats...I love them both.

Cats, dogs, birds, fish or any pet will bring down your blood pressure, increase your patience and longevity according to the medical research information. Pets are great companions. If you are in the market for some unconditional love I highly recommend cats. There is always something to laugh about.

Pets create great Feng Shui. Pets and Feng Shui. Sounds good to me.

Thank you Frank. Thank you Max. And of course, thank you Chuck for sharing "the boys" with me for awhile.


Thoughts of Thomas: Religion, Myth and Reality

We are all familiar to some extent with the creation stories in the Bible and the Babylon story of Gilgamesh and the Garden of Eden and how they seem to correspond in many ways. Some use these simulators in an attempt to discredit the Biblical account but in my opinion they are overlooking two very important points. One there were two creations of mankind, in Genesis 1:27 and 1:28. Male and female were created to have dominion over all the animals and to subdue and “replenish” the earth.

Has this happened before? How do you replenish something that hasn’t been there before? Makes 2012 a little more interesting wouldn’t you think?

The second creation is in Genesis 2:7. He created Adam and placed him in Eden and after a while God gave him a wife. I’ll bet that made him happy until he had to start taking out the trash.

I know the creation of two (maybe more) kinds of humans is horrifying to the politically correct crowd but if you were to read a book on anthropology written before 1950, you would know there are several anatomical differences in humans. This was (is) how they track tribal movements in pre-history.

Adam was more of a spiritual being as he talked to God and lived in the garden while the other people were busy having dominion over the beast of the field and subduing (civilizing) and replenishing the earth.

The point I’m trying to make is they were contemporary; in fact the people outside the garden were here first. Where do you think Cain got his wife and why put a mark him as Adam and his family already knew he killed Abel. These other people had to know of the garden and more than likely tried to enter it. Tales of these attempts would have been told over and over each time growing in heroism and mysticism. I also have no doubt there is some truth in the Gilgamesh story. Something has to happen for any myth to start and it must be believable at that time to be told and retold through the centuries.

The second point pertains to Abraham who no doubt brought the story of the creation with him when he left Ur. Some say because the story of Gilgamesh was written before the Old Testament that Abraham borrowed the story from the Babylonians. As I see it the only similarity of the two stories is the place where they happened. Gilgamesh is a story of an ancient hero trying to get into the garden, while the Biblical story is how Adam got kicked out.

It is my opinion that both stories are rooted in truth and come to us from two different people who lived in the same region but had an entirely different ancestral history.

One thing I must make clear. The Bible is a history of the Jewish people and their mysticism, (in my world magic and miracles are one and the same) not of the world and all religious text are more about religion than historical fact.

Adam was the first Jew. That is what makes them the chosen people and the most envied and hated people in the world. Deep down we all know this and it makes many hate them for their special relationship with God, forgetting Jesus and His promise, that we all can have a place in God's house.

So all of you out there that still hold a grudge after two thousand years give it up. It was all preordained by God and no one could have changed it. For someone to hate the Jews for Jesus’ death is to question the will of God, and what about poor Judas. He had no choice.

You do have a choice you can give the hate to God, he has big shoulders.


Twin Lakes Senior High School Indian Chief

Monticello, Indiana

Because so many Native American tribes lived in the Indiana area, seeing Indian theme works of art in this state is much more frequent than in most states. Indian artwork is embraced and often felt to be "Lucky" for those that display it. I always enjoy seeing any Native tribes' artwork portrayed anywhere., in any setting.

Thank you Twin Lakes Senior High School for a view of your Indian Chief.

Thanks for sharing our September 2009 EZine and I encourage you to try some new Power Feng Shui tips and make something stir up and happen for you as you manifest the desire's of your heart. It is so easy if you simply "put your mind to it" in meditation and uplifting the Ch'i energy of enthusiasm and enlightenment. It WILL happen for you. May you luck always be auspicious (good) for you.

Come and visit us soon for the October EZine. There will be lots more to learn about Power Feng Shui and changes you can make for yourself and your Sacred Space or office.

Thoughts of Thomas will feature Man's Place in the Universe. Very interesting. You will want to read it.

See you soon. Oh, and Happy Halloween to you. Get out that holiday Ch'i and create your own fun Power Feng Shui enhanced memories. Here in Indiana they are already prepared early. Delicious!

Have fun and be safe. God bless You all.

Alex Shaw
CEO www.PowerFengShui.info
"Show Me the Money Prosperity Feng Shui" DVD found at link


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