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Stained Glass Art

Show Me The Money
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Feng Shui Staging

Thomas's Corner

Clear Quartz Crystal Energy Wand


Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, IN.

& Prosperity Ch'i From Your Ancestors





Obelisks are a huge power symbol.  Lifting the loved one's memory up so very high would bring Good Luck blessings from that ancestor according to 6,000 years of Chinese Feng Shui. Actually anything you do to honor and respect the memory of your loved ones passed brings money blessings from them to you from Heaven.  This was one of the first Feng Shui lessons I learned for myself.  See my story about my mother's bench at her grave site and what happened for me so quickly. Honor Your Ancestors and They Will Bless Your Prosperity feature article may be found at http://old.powerfengshui.info/articles/heaven_increases/10221.main.shtml

If you even go and leave flowers, silk or real on the memorial you will see a quick lift of your money.  It is amazing!




This huge beautiful lady has her own garden marked by 4 separate benches to denote all four directions.
When her family comes there is room for all of them to sit and rest and think about the family members here.


The statuary details are tremendously well executed.  It is simply exquisite with such depth of art and grace.






Give yourself a day to go and bless the family memorial plots and take some flowers. Say a prayer. Greet your loved one. Talk or "think" what you have to say and share. Forgive if you need to.  Forgive yourself above all things. Embrace the unconditional love of that person that they held for you.  Even if you had "words" before they passed, don't allow yourself to live in a guilty state of mind. 
When people make their transition ONLY the LOVE survives, the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  They loved you past that disagreement or conflict.  Give yourself a fresh start and a better peace in your soul.
Let go of all that needs to stay there and start fresh with your Holy Spirit Ch'i(Cosmic Breath of God).  Don't you deserve it?  No need to carry unnecessary burdens any further. 
That alone has its reward for you and your future Karma.  The ancient Feng Shui bonus will be that you will see money improvements or a miracle out of nowhere.  I have seen it myself many times.
This is not the reason to go but it is a good motivator.  Doing good has its own reward.  Go and see.
If you can't go because of the distance, then buy some flowers and take them to a church locally or a hospital and leave them in your loved one's name.  It holds the same blessing.  God bless you and Godspeed.



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