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Power Feng Shui EZine
January 2010 Dear Friends of Power Feng Shui, Pyramid Feng Shui & Black Hat Tantric Feng Shui & all Friends of Holy Spirit Ch'i (the Cosmic Breath of God). We are delighted to bring you our www.PowerFengShui.info EZine for the month of January 2010. January is always one of my favorite months of each year. # 1...It is the Birthday Month for me. I love to celebrate all month long. After all, it is our personal Holy Month that Creator God choose for us to be born. It is very special for that reason. Hope you are doing that as well in your own life...."we do need proper traditions" I hear in my head from my childhood. Why not give yourself an entire month of birthdays? Not talking non-stop food bingeing or self abuse...good stuff, give yourself some good stuff. A trip to the spa, a massage, a pedicure (male or females benefit here), an afternoon "OFF" from your normal patterns to just enjoy some beauty SOMEWHERE, visiting a friend or having them visit you, loving just those priceless moments of each day that get away from us so quickly. Simply GO FOR IT! This January I headed to Memphis Blues Challenge Event in the Blues City to meet up with my friends from there, and Atlanta, and Jacksonville. It was just great. I simply adore the Peabody Hotel and my Grandmothers made sure I am a "High Tea type of tea and crumpets" person. What better than to take a friend and go for Peabody's High Tea. It was simply perfection darlings. Make sure you schedule a "Peabody High Tea Time" in your near future. It was glorious!
My friend Carol from Jacksonville, Florida went with me to the Peabody Hotel for Formal "High Tea" and it was beyond awesome...Got the pictures of our private "High Tea" moment in the glorious Peabody's Chez Philippe Restaurant to capture the "High Tea Ch'i" which is unlike any other....Service, Food and Splendor you must experience for yourself. My Nannaw and Great Grand Mother were both "High Tea" ladies. We NEEDED that tea and crumpets every day. It made a fabulous excuse to have a glorious moment of tea and sweet celebration even if it was only an OK day. Any day can be perked up with a cup of hot tea, coffee, and drink of choice and a delight to celebrate with it. There are millions of ways to celebrate with High Tea. Rolling in towards Nashville from Indiana I like to carry my StarBucks thermos full of Earl Grey and stop on the mountains just above Nashville and have a cup or two and a brief look at Music City. I also take that time to pray for all I know that are pursuing music as their futures, those that have blest us for years with their ability to tell us stories and inspire and encourage us, and for all music lovers in general. Take your tea everywhere you go. Have a moment with just you, the tea, and your own mind....Invite your soul to join in. Learn something. You may be surprised. Be creative. Visit Turtle Creek in Dallas, The Mustangs at Los Colinas http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustangs_at_Las_Colinas or any place you wish to create a memory moment for yourself. Chez Philippe at The Peabody Hotel is my favorite.....
We had a huge Mardi Gras Birthday Celebration for Mardi Gras Queen Mary Lane or "Laney" as everyone calls her. There were gifts and well wishes and celebrating for the entire weekend...We know how to party...Food, fun and frivolity...that works for us loaded with The Blues Music this city is famous for. My topics this month's are:
Let's begin with the glorious Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis.Peabody Hotelhttp://www.peabodymemphis.com/dining/ Chez Philipe' menuhttp://www.peabodymemphis.com/dining/documents/teamenu10.pdf to see Chez Philippe menu for yourself.... I had an incredible High Tea Time at the Peabody in January 2010. Miscommunication with the Peabody left me without reservations in December after we appeared for our Tea Time resulted in a private High Tea reservation for Carol and myself when we arrived at the January re-schedule time. It also was not only glorious for just the two of us to enjoy all of the beauty, art, and gentility of southern style High Tea at the Peabody BUT the real treat was the Chef created everything on the brand new menu for just us to sample as his first complete run of preparing it all for the High Tea ceremony... Sumptuous does not do it justice. The Manager of Chez Phillipe actually served us each course herself and took all of our comments back to the Chef...Wow! We were honored. It was definitely worth going back after the confusion in December, to give the Peabody another chance. It was just incredible. The only disappointment was that Chuck, Carol's love, had to work at his new job and could not get off to be with us for High Tea. He and I had tried to have High Tea in December when I blew through Memphis on the way back to Dallas from two months in Indiana and it just did not happen. When Carol and I came to Memphis for the Blues Festival Chuck gave me a C note to pay for the High Tea to treat us. He said it was the least he could do since he could not be with us. Wow, did he ever bless us! All of that opulence just for the two of us was like being locked inside of a Museum and enjoying all of the architecture by ourselves. It was a once in a lifetime experience... We were free to roam and photograph it all. Even the Security Guard came in and answered lots of our questions patiently. He was Irish and we bonded immediately. I only regret that Chuck did not get to enjoy what we did. Perhaps he will another lifetime. If you get a chance to go to the Peabody Hotel in Memphis at least go see the ducks and their march twice daily, the Gift Shop, the Restaurants, the Shoppes in the building and enjoy it all. It is a historic monument to the past and present "Good Life" many still enjoy. Go if you can. Thank you Chuck and Carol but most of all...Thank You Peabody for redeeming yourself from a double booking to a High Tea fit for a "grandmother's moment" that they could have only hoped I would aspire to...wonderful.
Gregg Baumann & His Lady Betty of Atlanta This is our wonderful Memphis Blues Challenge weekend photographer and his lovely wife Betty. They were incredibly generous with all of their pictures of the actual Memphis Blues Challenge, The Memphis local sites, including the Wrought Iron Museum, and certainly the Hunt-Phelan House where everyone stayed during the celebration, and Mardi Gras Birthday Queen Laney. It was awesome. They told me to feel free to share them. That is why I want you to know who they are. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful camera expertise and the great fun we had hanging out. Hope to see you next year at the Memphis Blues Challenge event. Our Mardi Gras Birthday Celebration for Mardi Gras Queen "Laney"
Memphis Blues Challenge Festival pictures by Greg Baumann These pictures speak for themselves....we just loved the Blues..... Thank you to Greg....Blues Rules!!!
The Wrought Iron Museum & Memphis sites...
After Memphis on the way back driving through Arkansas and Texas I thought about Living Life to the Fullest with NO FEAR...at that time I was reminded to encourage you to also Want to live with NO FEAR? Above all things, God does not mean you to have fear in your life. Sometimes we face seemingly impossible odds and fear (our human side) reaches out and grabs us, paralyzing us into a state of being unable to move forward in any direction. Fear does not come from God. It comes from the dark side. Any emotions that hold you in bondage and keep you from being able to function in your life and on towards your future are not from God. Read complete Article on NO FEAR http://www.powerfengshui.info/articles/spiritual_healing/07011.main.shtml
Post - A - Prayer on www.AngelAccess.com If you are in a Spiritual State of Mind or considering having someone pray with you, to join you in prayer and thereby strengthen your prayers to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, God as you know Him as your Creator, please use the Post-A-Prayer website link in yellow on the left side of http://angelaccess.com Home Page and block your name and email so it will NOT be posted for your privacy. We do NOT sell email addresses or share them with anyone. We DO NOT write you back after your email is here. It simply is a place to join others in prayer for all of our needs. God KNOWS we all can use miracles today and every single day in our futures. Suzie Orman offers advice for your money...
REPEAT: "Get a Return on Your Unpaid Karmic Debt from God... You Will Be Shocked" The Article I posted in December 2009 EZine on "Get a Return on Your Unpaid Karmic Debt from God... You Will Be Shocked" has sent out shock waves with clients who are only just beginning to ask for a return on all of their Good Karma....Read it for yourself.... http://www.powerfengshui.info/EZine/1209.shtml#Return Someone sent this to me & thought you might enjoy sharing this. It has a Heavenly lesson all of its own.... Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of passage? His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must come into manhood on his own. The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man! Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm. We, too, are never alone. Even when we don't know it, our Heavenly Father is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us. When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him. Amen Sharon, My precious friend and prayer partner sent this to me. She knows my love of peacocks and their Feng Shui Prosperity Value to the Ancient Emperors of China. Thank you Sharon for sending this. Brightened up my day. I THINK THIS IS JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL NOT TO SHARE. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN VERY OFTEN....HE LOOKS LIKE A GIANT SNOWFLAKE!!! What absolute beauty only God Could create!! May your troubles be less, Your blessings be more Frank Sinatra sings The Girl From Ipanema My friend Veronica sent me this Frank Sinatra clip from years ago of him singing The Girl from Ipanema. Times were so much simpler then. Thanks V for the memory. Powerful Patriotic Feng Shui Gift Bag.... This Rocks! If you need to lift up Patriotic Ch'i and Spirits use a great Patriotic Gift Bag and of course, the Red Tissue Paper. Bags are easy to grab, fit everything, expensive or not, quick to find and can be reused for another occasion after the first person receives them, for a person they decide to gift in the future. This Red, White & Blue Flag Gift Bag came from a client's horse, Nick, that I have only recently met although I have been praying about him and doing readings on him, his health, his attitude and much more for about eight years. I joined his owner, my friend Karen when she was grazing him out by Los Colinas one afternoon recently. I came to pray for Nick's health. Not because I am special but because he is special to Karen and to all that love him. Certainly you pray for your friends animals, parents, fish, kids, teachers, ministers, and the list just goes on. Well Nick has been on my prayer list for a long time and I decided I needed to meet him in person. When I got there Karen handed me this lovely Gift Bag and told me "Nick is a great shopper." She was so right. Tons of wonderful bath products and soaps, one shaped like a small (6") bee hive, and luxurious bubble bath. I was just going to meet him and he came with a gift. Wow! Horses have such class! One More Suggestion for Gift Bags: I keep my two favorite gift bags in the Laundry Room just for grabbing a fancy Gift Bag for a Gift OR you can see the one on the right side I use to hold plastic grocery totes that I take with me to the store and recycle throughout my life. Make organizing FUN people. Decorate with something you already own and it costs you nothing new, just some joy of seeing it somewhere else serving a different purpose that its first life with you. Recycle...It is a key for us. Start with a Lucky Red Good Fortune Envelope at the top of your display. You may find the story about how to use these here at our link at http://www.powerfengshui.info/EZine/1008.shtml#Red on Chinese Red Intention Chinese Good Fortune (Lucky) Envelopes in our October 2008 EZINE. The Water Lily is very good Feng Shui Luck and it is advertising PEACE. Wonderful. In the Laundry Room I NEED PEACE. The final snapshot is from Gerrie Anne's Naples condo watching the Sunset as it makes its glorious exit. One of my favorites. I am a huge fan of Sunsets, wherever I go. Even in the rain I want to see the storm's light against the sky. I know I am not alone on this. New Orleans in the French Market This is a very famous tourist location for coffee and beignets. Go there and enjoy it! http://www.cafedumonde.com/ Lift your own Energy Field and get very Positive Feng Shui results when you are in a "Lucky & Healing state of mind"....You will love it. Feed those crazy, crazy rabbits.... Limp veggies are not trash at our house. The rabbits are tempted to stay out of the garden...tempted...not convinced.....oh well..... "Waste not, Want not."....thank you Ben Franklin (1706-1790) If you are serving raw veggies a lovely new cutting board makes a great display background. Ours is from the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum in Winter Park, Florida where the largest display of Louis Comfort Tiffany's work is assembled in the world. Find them at the link http://www.morsemuseum.org/collection/collection.html I also wrote about the Museum in the APRIL 2009 EZine at the link http://www.powerfengshui.info/EZine/0409.shtml#Museum when I travel through there last year on my Florida round seeing all of the places I love when I blow through Florida. I do love my Florida and Texas. This particular cutting board is printed off of an excerpt of View of Oyster Bay window 1908 There are NO bad Tiffanys. Lift your Power Feng Shui Art Quotient by using items in your home that "Lift Up" classic art pieces and enhance your Ch'i flow of the Universal Breath of God. It will only improve. I heard one client say "If I can't have the original I want nothing." I thought then how he cheats himself of joy-ing in the beauty of one he admires so much, even a tiny piece of it. To each his own. Cut and serve on those cutting boards. Use those kitchen icons and "Lift Up" the Power Feng Shui at your place. You will just love it! The Laughing Buddha Tattoo Shop in Denison, Texas The Laughing Buddha Tattoo Shop in Denison, Texas I passed by recently. People use the Good Luck Energy of all manner of presentations of Buddha. Some are fun, funny, smiling, others not so happy and some are even traveling Buddhas for Good Luck with Travel. Find a Buddha you like and place it in your home in an Auspicious (Good Luck) Place for you. He can be tiny, not huge. It's simply a thank you to the deity of original Feng Shui, Buddha. Dallas Public Library Children Are Our Focus Since I was 17 and moved to Dallas I have always been a friend to the Dallas Public Library System. It they don't have it they will find it for you. Children have always had special story hours over the years, at all times, throughout the year. Way before computers all of the really good reference books for reports and papers were only at the Libraries. You either made the trip or took a lesser grade. Only those families with the Encyclopedia Britannica were able to get by without the Library and still not on everything. In my family, with a grandmother and her sister being Librarians, there was no excuse to not do a report. Now, even when I travel, if I see an interesting library I stop in for a few minutes time. You can learn so much more than just glance at a new book. Even the architecture of the Library and its history has a story to tell. Go and learn something or take a friend or family member. All ages love books and exciting new displays of knowledge and wisdom. Find some for yourself. It is great Power Feng Shui to visit where so much knowledge is contained. Thoughts of Thomas: The Story of Mark![]() The story of Mark is a story of a kindred soul, a soul I had known before and will know again. He was a friend and a family member, but most important he had the power. Mark was a typical late teen’s type of guy when I first met him; you were never for sure which head was in charge. (Please forgive me if you are offended. I mean no harm.) What I liked about him most was that he was straightforward and real, he was an open book. If you didn’t like the story put the book down, and I did at times through the years but I always picked it up again because I had grown to love him. You have read my stories over the past few months and must think my life is a never ending stream of one success after another. Let me tell you this is far from the truth, the failures are many and they hurt far more, than I can explain. If someone comes to me for help they have ran out of options. The real world can no longer give them any hope. This is a story of how I failed time after time to give the right advice, and held back some of what I knew, so I would not offend some members of the family. It took a while before Mark and I got to know each other well enough that we could talk freely about the Art. He was a young man full of raw power, I was twenty-five years his senior and had already walked his path. But you can always learn something from anyone with the power, and I wanted to help him if I could. We had many long talks on different subjects but they usually ended up about the Art. He was eager to learn everything he could, and I was glad to help when I could. But the gift is different in all people; his was more about predicting the future. Something I can’t do, I do get bad or good feelings about things, but he could tell if someone was coming and who it was. He like most people new to the power liked the dark side the promise of power is hard to overcome; they don’t realize the promise is empty. So I slowly steered him away from the dark side and encouraged him to pursue his talents to help himself and others. Back then we had a family party at my house almost every weekend and he was there for most of them. It was a great time in my life to be surrounded by the people I loved, and that was when I learned love was far more powerful than anything I had ever used to bring on the power. I didn’t even have to try. It filled the air and I walked around in a spiritual high the whole night. Love of your God, your family and mankind is a powerful thing. The power I get from people that love and believe in me is strong and pure. At one of the parties he seemed different, withdrawn, not his usual outgoing self. He stayed in the kitchen by himself and seemed indifferent to the party on the patio. I thought he must have had a fight with his girlfriend or parents and just needed some time. When his mood didn’t change after an hour or so I left the party to see if I could cheer him up. When I asked him what was bothering him he wouldn’t say. He just looked me in the eye and said “bless me." Now I didn’t then and never have thought I could bless anything. In fact even the use of the term “bless me” didn’t set well with me. I’m not a Pastor or Priest, not even a parishioner so I believe that leaves me out of the blessing business. I don’t believe now he meant bless in the classic since of the word, it was the only word that came close to what he needed. What he needed was energy, someone or thing had drained him. Or he used his up in some manner unknown to me. At that time I had never used that much power, and didn’t know you could. Since then I have used all of my power on several occasions. I didn’t have the experience to recognize his symptoms. If I had been I would have tried to find out more about what happened to him and perhaps I might have altered his path. To one that wouldn’t eventually lead to his early death, a widow and five fatherless children but it was not to be. I knew from earlier experiences that I could give him what he wanted. It’s a fairly easy thing to transfer energy for one person to another. But I was not experienced enough to know what he needed was someone he could trust to confide in. Someone that would not judge, only listen so he could find the answer to his problem. I didn’t know he was in love with someone that didn’t deserve his respect, much less his love. But in fairness I must say she never tried to hide what she was, she did use her beauty and personality to mask herself. But reality was there for all to see if you took the time to look. She was a lost soul always looking for acceptance and would do whatever it took to get it. I believe he knew it, but we have no control over who we love. He wanted acceptance of his powers from his parents. In this we shared the same desire but both our parents were fundamental Christians and that would never happen. We both knew it; I accepted it. I don’t know if he ever did for we grew apart as the years past. All this and undoubtedly a lot more, I don’t know, lead to (over the next ten to twelve years) a heavy chemical dependence. This and more I knew for years and said nothing. We weren't just friends, he respected me. I might have made a difference if I had spoke my mind, even if I lost him as a friend. Over the years I have wondered was I the friend he though I was. Would a true friend speak his mind even if he lost the friendship? Looking back on it I believe a friend not only should, a friend would tell it as they see it. I should have shined a light on the dark corner where he had the truth hidden, and accepted the consequence. Do I believe it would have made a difference? No because his wife can be whatever the one she’s with at the time wants, and that’s a hard thing to walk away from for anyone. Add to that the fact that he loved her made my chances of changing anything close to zero, but I should have tried. We continued to have family parties but less frequently than before, and over the next few years everyone drifted apart. But every time we had a gathering he always asks for a blessing. It’s plain to me now someone had to be draining him and it went right over my head. I had used the power for ten years or so, but I know now I knew little about the power and I was so caught up in myself I couldn't see a friend in trouble. All I saw was a chance to show my power. Self pride always leads you down the wrong path. When you are "Chosen" a great responsibility comes with the gift, you know things others don’t and you must determine what to tell and what to keep to yourself. I feel in his case I made a lot of wrong decisions. Five years ago I got a call Mark was in the hospital on life support. It seems his heart stopped for no apparent reason and he was in intensive care. After hearing the bad news my wife and I got ready to go to the hospital. My son and his wife came by and picked me and my wife up and we were at the hospital in less than an hour. When we arrived the family was gathered outside the hospital waiting to see him, the visiting hours for ICU wouldn’t be for another thirty minutes. So we gathered around some benches under some large Oak trees “so they could smoke” and talked. That’s when I learned some more about what happened to him. Seems he went to sleep and just stopped breathing. My daughter in-law and his wife wanted to know if I could help in some way, but his father was there. He is a Baptist Minister, and I didn’t want to offend him. But I had been asked to help. What was I to do...take a chance on offending his father or honor his wife and sister’s request? My talents with the Art were well known in the family so I don’t know why I felt I had to hide it, but I did. Another mistake to add to the others I keep making with Mark. When I entered his room and saw all the hoses and monitors he had, I couldn't help but wonder “as I always do” if the treatment wasn't worse than the disease. We all gathered around his bed for a few minutes, and then most withdrew leaving only me and his father. As I extended my hand to feel what I could, his father started to pray. I knew he was only trying to protect his son from something he didn’t understand, but it still bothered me. I didn’t want to compete with someone’s religion, I never do that. It only took fifteen or twenty seconds to know all there was to know, so I left the room and waited in the hall. As I waited on the others I thought about how weak he was, how little life was left in him and how calm I was. This was a good friend of mine I should feel something, but I didn’t. It wasn't long before they all came out of his room and gathered around me. I could tell by the look in there eyes (including his father’s) they expected an answer to their question about Mark, and they believed I could give it to them. The words that came out of my mouth sounded foreign and distant to me. Almost as if someone else was saying them. What I said was “There is no death here.” What I didn’t say was if he didn’t change there would be. The question that has haunted me for years is did I believe he wouldn’t change and I was trying to save the family the burden of knowing the truth. Or was I once again letting someone down because I was not sure of myself. I still don’t know for sure because we are always in a state of change, what is clear now was not yesterday. It all goes back to what you tell and what you keep to yourself. I have come to the conclusion you keep to yourself what you can’t change and what they won't or can’t accept. A year or so later he had another attack, this one left him partially disabled from a prolonged lack of oxygen, but he survived. ![]() I learned later he had been working a lot of hours and was a heavy Cocaine user. Three years ago he died of an over dose, and on his death certificate it was cardiac arrest but I knew it was from all the drugs he had and was taking at the time. What a waste of a good and caring soul, which was led astray by love that I don’t believe was ever returned in kind. But that’s just my opinion and I don’t know the whole story. I do know he had and she has more than their share of demons and she was the biggest one of his. I am looking forward to my next meeting with Mark. I hope we both do better next time. Thomas Glad you stopped to share our January EZine. Check our BLOG http://www.powerfengshui.info/b2evolution/blogs/ and also we will posting new Articles under Feature Articles http://www.powerfengshui.info/articles/index.shtml on that link as well. It is my intention that you learn from my Power Feng Shui Articles and videos so you may know how to manifest all of the "Health/Prosperity, Wealth/Empowerment, Love/Relationships, Career/Self/Destiny, Family/Community, Compassion/Travel/Friends/Mentors, and so much more you will ever want. Being surprised by Power Feng Shui is exactly like getting a surprise on a special occasion. You never really know exactly what is coming, you just know it will be wonderful. Use your courage, strength and focus on yourself this next month. Love, honor, adore and respect yourself. It will be a pleasant change. You will also find that you like it. Try new things, new colors, new arrangements of your icons and art and furniture as well. Change 27 things around into different places and just see how quickly things begin to "move" in your world for you. Do the same thing at the office. Life will start moving again if you have hit a slow spot. Send your intentions out into the Universe and include them with your prayers. Be open to change all around you. If we resist it will bid us to come but then with enough resistance it will leave without us. That won't take us where we want to go. Everything in Feng Shui matters. Also everything you do to lift up your soul matters. It all matters to you. Look forward to seeing you soon for our next EZine. May your life always be auspicious in the best way possible. Alex Shaw 972.504.6824 Dallas
See you next time...Enjoy it all...This is the Dress Rehearsal....Make it fun and Prosperous and Healthy.
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