Thoughts of Thomas: Ouija Boards Warnings

Have you ever played with an Ouija board and wandered where all those strange and sometimes uncomfortably accurate answers come from?

Well, let us look at how most people use the Ouija board. It almost always starts as a parlor game, something to entertain you, or a cool way to keep a party going. Then you start to wonder, if it was right on that question then would it be right on something I really want to know?

At that point the game has changed, whether you know it or not. The Ouija is no longer a game; it becomes a portal, an entrance to the netherworld, a place where deception and distortion is the rule not the exception. Truth is there, but seldom obtained easily. So I would like to relate some of my experiences with the Ouija. Take what you will, dismiss the rest as the rambling of an old man.

My first experience with Ouija came at an early age from my perspective. My older sister bought a Ouija board when I was nineteen or twenty. She had seen it at a party a few days earlier, and thought it was fun so she bought one. She and my younger sister were quite good at it. I was not, it would rarely move for me, no matter who my partner was. Still I was intrigued by the mystical board, and we played until it got wild and started throwing the planchette off the board. At that point we decided it was of the Devil and quite playing. We all had a good Christian upbringing.

It was thirty three years later in the winter 1997 that the Ouija and I crossed paths again in a meaningful way. By that time I was no longer in awe of the talking board.

Having experienced more spiritual encounters, than anyone would have thought one person capable of surviving with their sanity, I believed I could handle whatever the board could do. I was eager to take on the board. It was a hill I had wanted to climb for some time, but as I have stated earlier Ouija won’t talk to me. We all don’t have the same talent, even simple ones.

My son and his family had moved in with me and my wife while waiting on their new home to be completed, and we had been doing some past-life regressions. The results were interesting, and sometimes startling. In a way they mirrored our interests in this life. But that is another story. Past-life and out of body experiences are something we should go into in greater detail later.

So back to the journey we were on. I went to that Mecca of the occult Wal-Mart and bought a talking board. It seemed like a natural extension to the path we were on.

At first our sessions were no different than anyone else. The same answers I remembered from my earlier experiences. You know what I mean if you ever used the Ouija. My name is Bob or Harry etc, and then I’m your guardian Angel. Next it might try a past love one, don’t be deceived. It is more than likely something like, Asmodeus or Pleiades in all its many forms. If you’re really unlucky, it could be Beelzeboul the Prince or King of Demons. These are all names from the Grimoires (Grammars of Magic) of Solomon, (yes Solomon was quite a wizard) but there are many, many others. They are called by more than one name, according to the culture and time. They are masters of chaos, their purpose is to get your trust while keeping you confused, and to keep you coming back. If you’re not careful you will not only trust and believe you will come to depend on the board, and in this lies the danger of Ouija.

I don’t remember when I realized I wasn’t bullet proof, but I know I didn’t know it then. I am not sure I know it now, because even today what’s over the next hill still deserves a look. In the old days I would charge any hill without thought of the ramifications. So I charged.

After several days of lies and ambiguity I decided to take a more scientific approach. We wrote down all the questions and answers we received. From that I compiled a list of questions each of us wanted to know.

We asked the same question several different ways and with different people on the planchette. Keeping close record of all the answers, some answers were consistent while others were inconsistent to one degree or another. I was sure then and still am that I was getting more truth then fiction. I began to see patterns in the answers. I could not wait to talk to the board again, I asked more than my share of questions taking more and more of other people’s time. I knew it but I couldn’t help it. The dates given matched the clothing I was wearing in my past live and out of body experiences, I knew I was close to validating my magic. Nothing else mattered to me.

In so doing I drove away everyone but my wife (she didn’t like having anything to do with it) and my daughter in-law, and finally they quit. My desire ruined it for everyone and that was probably a good thing.

Do you see the pattern and this is coming from someone who knows the risk? Someone who has dealt with magic for many years and should have seen it coming, but the thrust for power is strong. I know I could have gotten more answers, but that would have only led to more questions. More chances to be deceived, for you are never as smart as you think you are.

To obtain power entails risk, there is no other way. When you step on this path risk becomes a way of life few will ever see.

I don’t mean to frighten you, used as a game only there is no danger, but can you overcome the allure of knowing the unknown, even though it may be a lie?

Would I use it again? Yes, if I could but the way is closed to me. I think God knows better than me what path should be open and which should be closed.

Editor's Note:   Great wisdom from Thomas.  Always pray for Divine protection and guidance before doing any "games" such as Ouija. The stakes are very high and the risk far greater than any gain.

NOTE: Thomas will be back next month in the May EZine to tell us his view About Gods.