Versão 2.4.2 b2evolution

Atualizando a partir de uma versão anterior do b2evolution

Antes de iniciar, por favor repare que algumas caracteristicas de rede do b2evolution requerem que você concorde com os nossos simplesTermos de serviço.

  1. Backup all your b2evolution files. Take special care of the files you may have modified, including /conf, /skins, /plugins, your /media directory and possibly stubfiles, hacks or custom templates...
  2. Você deve também fazer uma cópia de segurança do seu banco de dados se você puder. Essa funcionalidade deve ser fornecida a você pelo seu servidor de hospedagem.
  3. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.0, we highly recommend you clean up outdated files. To achieve this, delete your b2evolution folders except /media. Folders to delete include /admin, /conf, /cron, /htsrv, /inc, /install, /plugins, /skins, /skins_adm, /xmlsrv. Depending on your version, you may not have all of these folders on your server. Also, again, make sure you have a backup before deleting.
  4. Upload all new b2evolution files from the /blogs folder to your site. We cannot stress this enough: ALL FILES! And that means you cannot reuse your /conf files, default skin templates or default plugins as they are.

    Since your custom skins and custom plugins should be using different names, they will not be overwritten. Same for your media files.

    The one file you must absolutely restore from your backup (see step 1) though is /blogs/_basic_config.php. You will need to either restore or recreate that file in order to proceed with upgrade.
  5. Run the installation/upgrade script on your server. It is located in . Then, simply follow the on screen instructions.

    The installer/upgrader will allow you to run a database upgrade from any b2evolution version to the new one.
  6. Verifique para garantir que a nova instalação funcione.
  7. Verifique o manual online para instruções específicas de atualização para a sua nova versão do b2evolution.
  8. Em servidores de produção, é recomendado que você remova o subdiretório /install.
  9. If you had hacks or other customizations to the core files, your can bring those back now. We recommend you get yourself a diff/merge tool like WinMerge. This will allow you to easily compare your old (backuped) files with the new files (even whole directories at once) and report changes accordingly.