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Unleash the Power of Power Feng Shui for Success with Classes and Lectures
Check the Calendar of Events link for the scheduling dates & times at the brand new location of www.SpiritualFitnessCenter.com at 300 N. Coit Road, Suite 179 in Richardson, TX. 75080, 972.690.1887, so you may be able to reserve space & take part in this unusual collection of wisdom and knowledge Alex has amassed as a Professional Certified Feng Shui Consultant since 1995 using both 6,000 year old techniques of Black Hat Tantric & Westernized Pyramid Feng Shui Institute of America, Wabasso, FL. since 2001. Alexandra Shaw offers a myriad of Power Feng Shui topics with cutting edge technology to insure your health, happiness and empowerment for now and in the future. See you there. You will never regret it. It will change your life forever in only the best way possible. To book classes please call Alex Shaw, 972.504.6824 for reservations in advance. Secrets of "Show Me the Money" Prosperity Feng Shui Date: Sunday Dec 15th 7-10 p.m. Location: Unity of Richardson/Spiritual Fitness Center Reply to: Alex Shaw 972.504.6824 or email: Iconalex@aol.com Cost: $35.00. $5.00 materials fee. Bring note taking materials. Dress comfortably. Reservation deposits necessary. 972.504.6824 This fun & factual Prosperity Class reveals Alex's "tried and true" secrets of how to change your life's money & romance to a much higher level of prosperity than ever before. Results begin immediately. Alex is sharing some of the incredible simple options offered on her "Show Me the Money" Prosperity Feng Shui DVD that have helped her clients see new jobs, loves, cars, homes, & money miracles appear for them in ways they never imagined. Come & learn how to change your destiny, creating Prosperity Feng Shui for yourself. There will be a free drawing for all in attendance to win an autographed copy of Alex Shaw’s "Show Me the Money" Prosperity Feng Shui DVD. Over 50 Power Feng Shui concepts, simple & fun, using your art & icons to increase prosperity. 118 min. in length. Secrets of Scanning Kabbalah's 72 Names of God Date: Thursday Aug 26th, 7-10 pm Location: Spiritual Fitness Center, 300 N. Coit Rd., Suite 179, Richardson, TX. 75080 Rev. Alex Shaw has studied with Rabbi Solomon of Kabbalah International in 2001 and shares the simplest, most direct way to "activate the 72 Names of God" Holy Power in your life immediately. This class unlocks ancient Hebrew wisdom to forever change your spiritual life and personal spiritual power, increasing your psychic gifts, giving you the ability to change your destiny as the DNA of your soul connects with The Creator. Kabbalah facts and history. Know what Moses knew to roll back the Red Sea. Bring note taking materials. Dress comfortably. Cost: $28.00. Reservation necessary. Reply to: Iconalex@aol.com Rev. Alex Shaw 972.504.6824 Dallas or 1.888.551.4869 toll free Pre-registration necessary. This fun & factual Prosperity Class reveals Alex's "tried and true" secrets of how to change your life's money & romance to a much higher level of prosperity than ever before. Results begin immediately. Alex is sharing some of the incredible simple options offered on her "Show Me the Money" Prosperity Feng Shui DVD that have helped her clients see new jobs, loves, cars, homes, & money miracles appear for them in ways they never imagined. Come & learn how to change your destiny, creating Prosperity Feng Shui for yourself. There will be a free drawing for all in attendance to win an autographed copy of Alex Shaw’s "Show Me the Money" Prosperity Feng Shui DVD. Over 50 Power Feng Shui concepts, simple & fun, using your art & icons to increase prosperity. 118 min. in length. Psychic Flying, Astral Projection, Out-of-body & more! Date: Wednesday, Aug 25 @ 7:00 PM - 10 PM Location: Unity of Richardson/Spiritual Fitness Center Cost: $88.00. Reservations necessary. Bring note taking materials. Dress comfortably. Reply to: Iconalex@aol.com Alex Shaw 972.504.6824 Dallas or 1.888.551.4869 toll free Rev. Alexandra Shaw, Cherokee Visionary Shaman "Seer" has been using her God-given spiritual (psychic) abilities professionally since 1991. She is adept in every single aspect of Holy Spirit power to help you not only learn these for yourself but find practical uses in both the real world and the astral one we may project into to discover more wisdom and knowledge than we ever dreamed about not only for ourselves, but others as well. Using creative visualization and gentle instructions, Alex will have you "flying" in no time at all on your own, for yourself. Alex has many experiences to share to help you understand and get "comfortable" with your very own abilities and use them at your discretion, at times of your choosing. She makes it easy and fun to learn all the while passing on ageless wisdom of how to achieve what others only dream about. This invaluable experience will allow you to "check in" on family members in local or distant locations, send messages they will "hear" in your own voice, communicate with your lover that lives in a distant city or is traveling and temporarily away from you, or even "fly" back in time and help yourself "see" through the power of your Third Eye Chakra what was said or done at critical times in your past that you are missing and need to understand. "Visiting" back into certain moments of time when you were too emotional too remember what exactly was said or done around you is a tool Alex can help you understand and implement for yourself. Alex will even teach you how to "block" those past emotions as you view them as a "time traveler" so they will not be able to hurt you in any way as you visit the memories. This is an experience for cutting edge risk-takers. It is not for the faint-hearted. Sound exciting? You have no idea yet...but you soon will. Come and try something you are likely to never have had a chance to appreciate for yourself until now. It is an incredible tool to have in your personal spiritual "toolbox". Note: There is no danger of becoming "trapped between worlds" or not being able to get back into your body. This is a mind adventure. It is for gleaning information and just for fun. Nothing more. Professional Credentials: Alexandra Shaw, CEO of www.AngelAccess.com has over 50 articles posted so you may learn about not only her experiences but learn how you can expand your own spiritual abilities. Read about My First Vision Quest & Angel Sighting and decide to have a spiritual journey for yourself. The link is http://angelaccess.com/frm/articles/spirit_tuning/01141.main.html. Read the Welcome message and Who is Alex? Go to the Inspirations and get some encouragement for yourself, your life and loved ones. Post-A-Prayer for yourself or someone you love. We are all on a spiritual pathway and often can gain insight or confirmation for our soul by just learning where others have been led by their Holy Spirit. Give yourself permission to rise to higher heights for yourself and you will only joy in what you discover. See you there. Coming Soon — A Psychic Evening with Alexandra Shaw. $20.00 Alex Shaw invites you to come and learn how her Spiritual journey unfolded and led her to the abilities she uses today with Intuitive Wisdom and Soul-Inspired direction you may use for yourself. Alex shares incredible examples of how your own Holy Spirit enlightenment will open doorways and give you protection in all things, if only you seek it first. There will be a time for questions and answers of your own during the last segment of this event. Come and learn how you can help yourself now as never before with your own personal Holy Spirit divinely inspired wisdom. Alex will blast opening your understanding of "how" it works for you. This is an evening that will empower your own personal experience. Call today. 972.504.6824. Power Feng Shui Classes Coming Soon — Beginners Power Feng Shui: The Bagua Class This opportunity to study the most powerful of all Feng Shui techniques will bring the magic and mystery into focus for you and your friends. You will learn the colors, shapes, simple elements, art & icon placement, Bad Ch'i cures, furniture placement and much, much more. Learning to Feng Shui your home & balance your sacred space for yourself gives you an “Energy Power” unlike anything else. Also this Class uses a floor plan or simple line drawing of your sacred space for the maximum benefits for the present and the future. Alex will use Power Feng Shui to create harmonic balance for your floor plan so you walk away from class with a Power Feng Shui road map of each room of your space & the positive sense of understanding the wisdom, magic and mysteries of Power Feng Shui so you may begin for yourself. Simple changes often bring dramatic results to your life. Cost $75.00. $5.00 materials fee. Bring note taking materials. Dress comfortably. Reservation deposits necessary. 972.504.6824 - There will be a free drawing for all in attendance to win an autographed copy of Alex Shaw’s "Show Me the Money" Prosperity Feng Shui DVD, value $25.00 Coming Soon — The Secrets of the Elements of Power Feng Shui Alex reveals secrets of balancing the energies with the 5 Elements of our Universe, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, & how to harness them for yourself. Elements form & maintain levels "firing up" or "decreasing" your possibilities & simply can make or break your life & possibilities. Too much of the Water Element in your home, especially your Bedroom, can cause you to become extremely emotional without just cause. Learn the cures and how to heighten & lift the Elements for your personal benefit. Certain colors summon results & others delay them. Come & change your life by learning how to make the Elements work for you. Cost $75.00. $5.00 materials fee. Bring note taking materials. Dress comfortably. Reservation deposits necessary. 972.504.6824 Free drawing of “Show Me the Money” DVD.
Feng Shui concepts to put
your life over the top of your
Call 972.504.6824 in
Dallas for times and dates.
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